An Introduction to Web 2.0

Title: What Is Web 2.0?

with Andi Gutmans , Co-Founder of Zend

This is a quick technical introduction. For most, I don’t think that it’s necessary that you understand everything that Andi says, but it provides a good framework on which we can continue to scaffold as we learn more about Web 2.0. (Be sure you watch BOTH of the videos on this page.)

Title: Understanding Web 2.o

By: U Tech Tips

Having watched What is Web 2.0? above will help you draw many more connections in the content of this short video. It provides a brief history of the term and helps distinguish between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 technologies by providing popular examples of each.

Published by


Clif Mims is a Christian, husband, father, teacher, cancer warrior, and fan of the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Memphis Grizzlies.

69 thoughts on “An Introduction to Web 2.0”

  1. I remember using Netscape to surf the web in the early 90s, and I am astonished by how much the internet has changed. Web 2.0 is amazing.

  2. I had no earthy clue about Web 2.0 and Web 1.0. I love how it was described as a different phase of the Web, because it introduced a lot of new tools and uses that connected people more than ever before. There certainly is a big difference between the two. It is very insightful to know the history (even a little bit) about something that is so synonymous with everyday life.

  3. This is an interesting explanation of the web 2.0 tools. I had heard this term before but was not really sure what it meant and how it was different from web 1.0 tools. It is good to know all these technological advances.

  4. I never realized we labeled the web or realized that it goes through stages but it makes sense. I’ve lived on the internet since the late 90’s and it is amazing how things have progressed. High school projects definitely would have been much easier if all the resources we have now were available back then. I like how he said the web is in a Renaissance. It will be interesting to see what is next.

  5. I think I may have heard of 1.0 many years ago in a computer course, but that’s it. I have never heard of 2.0 but form the videos I get what they are talking about. It’s pretty cool how advance we have created many platforms to use to deliver information to people around the world. I have my own website and now I get how linking, adding pics and creating forms for people to use all are in the 2.0 arena.

  6. I graduated high school in 1998, and remember using the internet for the first time as a senior. I did not become really familiar with it, and start using email and instant messaging until college. Its amazing to think of how far it has come in the years since. The internet as we know it today will be obsolete soon!

  7. I’m so glad that I’ve seen these videos. I was unclear as to what 2.0 was really about, but this just cleared it all up. Technology has changed so much over the years and without a doubt, it’s changing every single day. I’ve used many technologies and it’s amazing as to how all of them can intertwine with one another to be great. And as far as the websites and blogs of today, being able to be active now compared to a couple of years ago is so much better. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I never really heard the term “Web 2.0.” But, after watching this intro video, I realize how much more sophisticated internet sites are now compared to the early forms of the web.

  9. One day someone will put a comment saying “Oh, yeah. I already knew all that. This stuff is ancient history.” From the rate of progression shown in the second video, it should be very soon. I find it fascinating how quickly we have moved from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. It seems like yesterday I was listening to the grinding sounds of dial-up (remember the landline connections?) just so I could enjoy the, what would now be considered, small amount of information and actions that could be completed. It really is amazing how quickly things move now.

  10. These were interesting videos and they gave a lot of information. This will help me with my project and future work. It seems as though it might be a little difficult because of all of the small details. However, I’m sure it will become easier the more time i spend exploring this technology.

  11. I was familiar with many of the tools and applications of the Internet discussed in the videos, but I was surprised by the distinction between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. For some reason, I assumed this distinction would be far more complicated. Sharing content and interacting with others over the Internet has become such an integral part of our society, that I take it for granted. So much commenting and replying takes place on the Internet now, that it is hard to imagine not being able to do so. These vides were good because I was unfamiliar with the concept of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and I learned the difference by watching them.

  12. Concerning the matter of Web 2.0 being such a fluid experience, especially from the user-end, I am reluctant to try it. I’ve very much enjoyed the experience of having to come up with a solution to a problem given at least two parameters in juxtaposition. But I want to see what I come up with on my own first. If afterwards, someone changes it, that is fine; at least I would still have a record of my original effort. Today. I had the experience of working with someone on a task which for years, I’ve done alone. When he made a suggestion, I realized right away that if we followed his suggestion, the result would not turn out like it has before. But, because of a time constraint and feeling that the pleasant interaction meant more to me than the end product, I went along with it. So, for satisfaction in one’s own creativity, I shy away from it. But, if the enjoyment of personal creative expression isn’t the purpose; ie., if it has another way of being satisfied, then I may be more interested in it. In the mean time, for me it will be easier to practice what is suggested under Emerging Tools, p. 15, in Excerpt form Chapter 5: Literacy in the Information Age, (from Anderson, R.S., Grant, M.M. & Speck, B.W. (2008). Technology to teach literacy: A resource for K-8 teachers. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.). which is to restrict creation and editing to a select group by creating a common log-in account and special password.

  13. Imagining that Web 2.0 really came around in 1999 is amazing. It only seems like yesterday that web blogging and social media become popular. Today’s generation is not even aware that there was a different version! 2.0 allows for much more dynamic collaboration between people all over the world. The idea of tagging creates such a deep internet architecture that allows for unlimited access to information – for both good and bad.

  14. The first video confused me some. This could have been from the technical jargon used. I am still a bit confused on the distinction of Web 1.0 and 2.0, but it seems that 2.0 allows collaborative efforts whereas 1.0 is more for personal or individual use.

  15. I did not know all the history behind the internet. Of course, when I was younger I used web 1.0 but only very little. I read on wikipedia that “web 2.0” was coined in 1999, but really discussed in 2004. I was seven in 1999; by the time it really surfaced, I was around 12 years old. I know that searching for information has become a lot easier than it used to be in 2000. I like how both videos explained things in layman’s terms. I am pretty comfortable with technology, but I still like getting the simplified version.

  16. Helpful explanations. I feel like Web 2.0 is just the Web now. I do realize this video is a little older, but the concepts are still explained well.

  17. Both of these videos were very beneficial. It is interesting how we use the Internet and the Web everyday, but there is so much I do not know or understand about it. What I learned about Web 2.0 is that it is not a new form of the Web, but it is rather improvements and changes made to the original Web. Web 2.0 is always adding popular, new things to keep us modern and up-to-date. Within this course, this is the first time I have really used a blog. In one of my other courses, I am using podcasts for the first time. After watching these videos, I see that podcasts and blogs are things that make up Web 2.0. Another great thing is that it is very easy to collaborate with others, and share photos for example, within Web 2.0. We are all familiar with social networking, but perhaps we didn’t know that social networking is a part of Web 2.0. It is crazy to imagine how all of the computers around the world understand each other and transfer information back and forth. Web 2.0 is a lot more organized and categorized than the previous Web 1.0. Web 2.0 is also a great tool/resource for advertisement. From these videos, I also enjoyed learning about the history of the Web.

  18. This was a great video to watch for anyone beginning the journey with Web 2.0s. It provides a more in depth definition for such as well as connects it to the internet and world wide web. People are not aware of Web 2.0s and the magnitude of what they can do to share/present information. Goodbye Power Point and hello Web 2.0s. Great Video.

  19. I had a general understanding of Web 2.0, but this video simplified it for me. I am still shocked that they have yet to come to a “consensus of its (Web 2.0’s) exact meaning.” It seems obvious, and at least there is agreement, that it a “Improved form of the world wide web.” Like the video said, Web 2.0 is a buzz word of whatever is popular on the world wide web. In that same light, it is often associated with companies like Google, Flicker, and Delicious. Perhaps most interesting was the comparison between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. It was fascinating just how much development has taken place between the two versions.

    Also of note, and new to me, was the definition of certain acronyms:

    Rich Internet application (RIA)
    Web-oriented architecture (WOA) Examples are feeds, RSS, Web Services, mash-ups.

  20. In the first video Andi says that with Web 2.0 the end-user isn’t just using the technology but an active participant in the process. How profound!

  21. Due to its iterative nature, Web 2.0 has shifted user experiences from passive consumers of information to active participants in the creation and distribution of web content. Unfortunately this shift is far from being realized in our classrooms where educators need to lead the change so that the learners can control the way they learn.?

  22. These informative videos blew my mind about the progression from Web1.0 to Web2.0. Before this class, I viewed the “web” as a way to get information, share things with other people, and stay connected to friends and family, among the many obvious functions of the web. I had no idea that there were terms Web1.0 & Web2.0 to show distinction in how the “web” is available to users. I agree with his assessment that now it is much easier and their is more freedom to share, reuse, and market things on the web. This video overall was just very eye opening for me…looks like I’m a little behind the times!!

  23. Web 2.0 is an exciting and quickly expanding concept! Kodak EasyShare was mentioned as a 1.0 tool, and it’s ironic that Kodak EasyShare has given way to Shutterfly. Here today, gone tomorrow seems to be the logo of such a fast move in technology. As advancements are being made, older ways of doing things are being phased out. This can have a huge impact on how we teach and learn. As I mentioned earlier, it is exciting. However, its also a little scary to me that information can be located and tracked (along with people) at such a quick rate!

  24. This gave me a better understanding of what Web 2.0 is. I have heard Web 2.0 for sometime now but never really knew what it meant. A majority of us use Web 2.0 tools everyday and really do not realize it.

  25. It is great to have a clearer prespective about the differences in WEB 1.0 vs. WEB 2.0. I never knew that WEB 2.0 was about interactive and collaborative features for communication. The only familiar terms from the first video were tagging, blogging and podcasting, as well as the term Wiki, all from which I have used in my classroom. These are great tools for communicating information, but I need to further explore Ajax, Webservices, and interative computer programming for a better understanding of being “behind the scenes” with web development. It is so hard to believe that WEB 2.0 has been around as long as it has because I just became knowledgeable and started benefiting from it only 5 years ago.

  26. I am amazed at how much I take for granted. They say that the more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know.

    I have recognized that internet tools and options are always evolving, but never gave it any thought. It’s funny, I can think of features that I want to see in my next car, or products that I want to buy at my grocery store, but have not given much thought to online potential tools or ideas.

    I had to watch the first video a few times and jotted down several definitions that were completely new to me. Thanks a lot!!

  27. Freaks me out a little – “the machines can understand and extract media.” I am reminded of movies like War Games and Terminator. I know it is technology progressing, but it seems like too much, too fast. Digital natives not knowing how to do one thing really well, yet great at multitasking..impressive, overwhelming, and yes–amazing as well. Hello, 2020.

  28. These videos really highlighted the evolution of the internet world from 1.0 to 2.0. I remember being in elementary school and an assignment being to log on to the “world wide web.” That was it, just log on. The first video went a bit over my head, but I took away his main three points. Especially his point about the Web 2.0 being a social and collaborative environment. Web 1.0 offered content created by “tech” people and offered in free-standing independent websites. Today’s internet is linked, layered and constantly changing with the influence of the everyday casual user. It’s far more accessible to non-tech folk like myself than every before.

  29. Hearing Web 2.0 described can be a little intimidating, but actually using it is simple, which I guess is the point!

    Sometimes I worry about the web becoming too democratic; with such low barriers to entry, anyone can and does publish. Just as in literary self-publishing, there are some gems but also a lot of dross. The abundance of information makes it easy to only consume ideas only from like-minded people. (At least it is for me.) Critical thinking, discernment, and consciously stretching one’s horizons are even more important now. It’s an amazing, exciting world!

  30. I didn’t understand what WEB 2.0 was until now. To be honest,l I still need a little help. Three important things to remember: 1) RIA 2) SOA & 3)Social web

    Three things to look for:
    -interactive language

    Do I have it guys?

  31. It amazes me how fast technology changes. How something called email was unheard of 20 years ago and now for it to be lead away from to more interactive blogs and wikis, boggles the mind. Programs such a Google Doc brings the sending of emails and copies of documents to a closure as well. I can only imagine what the next decade will bring to the world of technology and how that will be incorporated into the education field. There are days I feel like I have entered the world of the Jetsons. In many ways, we have surpassed what we thought was just creative imagination within a cartoon.

  32. I had not heard of Web 2.0. I am not a “technology” type person. I participate in a lot of things and do not know what I am really participating in. This was an eye opener for me. I need to be more knowledgeable and proactive about what I am doing!

  33. The first video was perhaps intended more for “techies” and not people trying to understand the concepts. It was full of jargon which should not be used to explain basic meanings to beginners. Unless of course that was not the aim here

  34. To me, the term “Web 2.0” simply means “the user’s internet”. No longer do we have to memorize html code to create information on the web. This allows a dialogue among the net-savvy that is open-ended, not static. That’s the real glory of web 2.0.

  35. Often heard the word Web 2.0 but doesn’t really know the exact meaning of it.
    Great thanks for the blog! Helps me a lot to briefly understand what Web 2.0 is about.

  36. Web 2.0 technologies have become so prolific, that most of us do not even know that we’re using them. I guess that this is the intent of web 2.0. As seamless as web 2.0 is, however, I do not think that it will be the only type of application on the net. Sometimes I just want to get raw data.

  37. My favorite part of the first video was when Andi says, “and everyone’s heard of Mash-ups.” I had to look it up. In fact, I used a Web 2.0 application (Wikipedia) to look it up. I hadn’t ever thought of the interactive web as different form purely an informational source. I don’t feel, however, that we will move entirely away from non-interactive, information only websites. There is just to much usefulness in looking up raw data. I do find a lot of usefulness in hearing many opinions about whatever I may need information on, from learning about vacation spots, to buying a car. But opinion, expert or not, is only as good as its source.

  38. The videos were very informative and were an intersting strategy for teaching technology terms and uses. Many times people use technology but have no idea what makes it work. For example, i thought drag and drop was just something the mouse can help you do. I never thought of it as an application.

  39. I had a hard time understanding the first video but was able to catch some terms. The second video was easier to understand.

  40. These videos show that there is continuous growth in the world of technology. One can communicate and share with people around the world from their laptop. As teachers, we have to prepare students for these advances.

  41. I agree that the first video was not easy to understand; however, the second video did a better job of helping me actually understand more about Web 2.0. I wasn’t quite sure what the difference was before, but now I have gained a better understanding.

  42. I too felt overwhelmed by the first video. I had never heard of some of the terms, so a lot of it was over my head. The second video, however, explained things much better. A lot of the things mentioned in the second video are things I use all the time, like google maps, wikis, etc. Overall this is very informative and tied everything together quite well.

  43. I was a little overwhelmed by some of the information found in the first video, but it did give me a base understanding of the term Web 2.0. The second video was a little easier for me to follow and I was surprised that many of the tools I had been using, for what seemed like forever, had only been around for 5 years. That was interesting. Also, seeing the comparisons between Web 1.0 and 2.0 made these concepts more “real” for me as well.

  44. I had never heard of Web 2.0 before this video. The terms were new ones for me. I found it to be very beneficial to me because I do not use internet that much but to check my email and do school work.

  45. I am glad that I watch this video. Some of the things that I heard in it like: ajax, mash-up, etc. are words that I have never really heard before. I have heard about blogging because I have a myspace account and on my windows live account it has a section for me to blog. But I have never done it before. But after watching this video it made me want to explore more into what ajax, and mash-up are.

  46. I have heard of web 2.0, but never quite understood what it meant. It makes more sense after watching the videos on this page. If web 2.0 allows for for interaction between the user and the web service technology, I can’t imagine what the next level will be.

  47. I enjoyed learning the difference between 1.0 and 2.0. It’s exciting that the Internet is becoming increasingly more interactive and not just a source of facts. People are sharing ideas, pictures, etc with others for mutual benefit. This opens up a lot of different ways for students to disseminate knowledge and become more involved with their peers.

  48. Web 1.0 seems to be more of as one-way Internet – you send something to website and they send it back. Web 2.0 is much more exciting and interactive. You send something to a website and it is suddenly available to everyone and be used and manipulated by more people. It’s all pretty amazing.
    I agree with alysha0. The first video made too many assumptions with regards to vocabulary and Internet services…chris kee

  49. Both videos presented terms that we have all heard, but may not understand completely. I preferred the second video. The first video mentioned many “buzz words” but did so without explaining them. The second video helped clarify many terms I heard but didn’t understand.

  50. The two videos provided me with more clarification on what Web 2.0 is about. The first video was a bit fast, the second was more informative. I can’t wait to start experimenting with all the applications.

  51. I enjoyed learning about the origin of the phrase Web 2.0 and had not known that it was coined in 2004. I also appreciated the comparison of what is considered Web 2.0 and Web 1.0.I learned some terminology I had not heard before, such as AJAX and RIA.

  52. Wow! I am impressed! I was not aware of all the technology available. Some of the terms and acronyms were new to me so I’ve got to catch up with the real world. However, I did focus on the differences of the Internet and Web 2.0. Web 2.0 does seem more exciting and dynamic.

  53. Thank you for posting this video. It cleared up some confusion that I had about Web 2.0. I was thinking that it had something to do with sites like Flickr but I thought it was a type of software or application used to run those types of sites. It’s funny. I use web 2.0 daily. The web has definitely changed and I love where it is headed. I am a firm believer in information sharing and collaboration.

  54. I found the video very helpful because it defined important key terms related to Web 2.0. I find it helpful to learn that there are more applications today that enable computer users to interact more directly with other people through online social networking. This is an important tool in particular for those of us teaching other languages. It seems we are always looking for opportunities for our students to use the language for enrichment and entertainment. Web 2.0 applications provide a wide range of opportunities for teachers and students to exchange ideas with others around the world.

  55. I find it very interesting to make the distinctions between web 1.0 and web 2.0. I think the advancements made on the internet have made it so much more valuable in the realm of education, advertising, and social networking! It will be very interesting to see what happens next…

  56. The videos were definitely helpful in my understanding of all that Web 2.0 encompasses. I did find some of the lingo complicating. I must admit though, I do not use the computer much outside of school or work, so my knowledge of the computer doesn’t go far outside the use of Word, Excel, Access, or Power Point. I am not really into My Space, blogs, etc. I do however tend use search engines like crazy…

  57. This is very exciting to me. I have not kept up with the most recent technology and am planning on returning to the classroom soon. I am gaining lots of new information and gathering ideas.

  58. This video helped me to determine what is considered Web 2.0. I have heard the term, but wasn’t exactly sure what is considered to be Web 2.0.

  59. Was a little surprised that they didn’t mention Wikipedia in the Web 2.0 video. Still very informative.

  60. I, too, felt that the videos were informative. I think that many times I have felt almost too busy to learn about such things as Web 2.0, etc. These mini-lessons are informative and helpful for someone like me who does not know a whole lot about them. It is obvious that technology is always changing because none of this even existed when I was in school just a few years ago. Now, I am teaching it to my high school students.

  61. These videos were very informative, and in all honesty, my first time watching anything on YouTube. I had never heard the term Web2.0, but will pay attention to it from now on. I’ve read blogs, and even kept one for a short time. I have a MySpace page, and have heard of Flickr. I have been active in Web2.0 without knowing it.

  62. I’m really glad I watched these videos because I’ve heard the phrase, “Web 2.0” and I’ve used a lot of the technologies and websites mentioned, but I never connected them. But now that I think about it, I do see a difference between the internet of 5 years ago and the internet of today. Instead of just reading websites, I now participate in websites.

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