Reflecting on Field Trip to an Assembly Line

Our oldest’s class went on a field trip to the Brim’s Snack Foods manufacturing facility to learn about assembly lines and mass production. As both a parent and a teacher I’m very pleased with what he learned from this trip. I assure you he can talk in much greater detail about the processes involved in manufacturing cheese puffs and popcorn than he is able in this short interview. He seems to have absorbed every word, action, machine, procedure, etc. that he heard and observed during their visit. Hahaha!


What Do You Want in Professional Development?

Episode 007


What Is Your Aim for Classrooms?

Episode 005

As many of us head into the classroom to begin another year of learning and fun it seems like a good time to consider our aims for classrooms.


My Aim for Classrooms

What are your aims for classrooms?

Kids Get Creative with AudioBoo

In episode 3 of Thinking Out Loud I pondered ways that AudioBoo might be integrated with teaching and learning. I shared a few ideas that sprang to mind and invited you to share your ideas and examples. I want to share a couple of AudioBoos that our two youngest children put together.



It is important to note that these 2 kids are young. They selected their topics, identified the major points that they wanted to share, recorded their interviews without rehearsing, and selected the title and images for their boos. They did this with minimal assistance from me. They learned to use the AudioBoo iphone app, planned their interview, and recorded and published both boos in well under 30 minutes. It was a fun and educational activity for all three of us!

Educational Uses
I encourage you to join me in exploring the potential classroom uses of this technology. Please share your thoughts and examples as text, audio or video comments. Together we learn more!

AudioBoo in the Classroom (Thinking Out Loud #3)

Episode 003
