Hidden Gems in Google Slides (Post 4 of 5): Creating a Table of Contents


Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. Slides can also be used to curate content for students (much like Hyperdocs) and can be used to create eBooks. The organizational tool for both of these options is the ability to create a table of contents.  


A table of contents in Google Slides is extremely helpful when creating eBooks or helping users navigate through content. A table of contents is also extremely easy to create in Google Slides. 

How to:

Once you have completed creating your entire slide deck, add a slide to the beginning. Type in a table of contents page using the names for each slide (no slide numbers needed). Highlight the first option and click command/control K on your keyboard and choose Slides in this presentation (see image below). Select the slide that you want the text to navigate to and click apply. Repeat for each set of texts and slides. 

PRO TIP: Name each slide by using a text box at the top of the page. The name will generate in the “Slides in this presentation” box so you will not have to remember which slide number matches each word. 

Next Steps:

Interested in learning more? Check out the websites below for great information. 


All sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 

TLDR (too long didn’t read):

Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. Slides can also be used to curate content for students (like Hyperdocs) and can be used to create eBooks. The organizational tool for both of these options is the ability to create a table of contents.  
