This post has been rolling around in my head for a couple of weeks but I didn’t get around to sharing it prior to Thanksgiving Day. I read Babbo’s Being Grateful Makes You Full of Greatness today and realized it would be good practice for me to go ahead and share some of the things for which I’m grateful.
I’m obviously thankful for family, friends, good health, a job, a home, our Savior, and all the other big and much more important things in life. This post is an effort to move beyond all of that and help me consider the countless other blessings in my life.
I’m Thankful…
- for free Wi-Fi in public places like the airport in Charlotte, NC.
- that there are often Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in the house.
- when I can drive the speed limit the entire trip between home and work.
- that we are no longer having to buy diapers!!!
- for each person in my PLN. You’ve greatly impacted my professional development.
- to hear that so many of my former elementary and middle school students are doing well in college and adulthood.
- that the Mississippi State Bulldog community unanimously appreciates the character of now-former coach Sylvester Croom.
- for the many Sonic Drive-Ins in the greater Memphis area.
- that I won’t spend the Winter shoveling snow out of my own drive-way like my buddy Dennis.
- for the many consulting opportunities and collaborations that came my way in 2008.
- that this season of Heroes is really good.
- for DVRs.
- for hard-working and engaged graduate students. They are the reason I do what I do.
- that gas prices aren’t so high right now.
I’m glad to hear that you understand the message. I was worried that the pettiness of some of the things I mentioned on the list would dilute its message causing it to sound less serious that I indeed meant for it to be.
mrsdurff and Becky,
You gotta love SonicQ
It was a good post and came across my RSS reader at the right time.
I’m thankful that you found my post helpful. I was sitting here on my laptop last night thinking, “nobody’s going to want to read this,” and wouldn’t you know my hits doubled today and I recieved some nice comments.Thanks, Clif!
Just knew Sonic had to come in there somewhere!
It is good to take time to remember how fortunate we are to have the little things, like free wi-fi in many public places, several Sonic drive-ins, and access relatively inexpensive technology. I have been thinking along the same lines.