Owning Your Classroom


Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning recently released 20 Tech Tips for Teachers (source). I think several of these tips can be applied as common practice in our classrooms. The following five tips are my recommendations to own your classroom – with or without technology. 

Shift Your Mindset:

Positivity is a choice. We can allow frustrations to weigh us down and create a sense of negativity or we can shift our perspective and show students how to overcome setbacks with a positive mentality. Shifting our mindset is the number one best tip for a welcoming classroom environment. Learn more by clicking here

Take Risks:

If you can maintain a positive mindset, take risks. Show students that failure is inevitable but it’s what you do when you fail that counts. Take risks and celebrate the successes but you can also model problem-solving when it fails. Learn more by clicking here.
Start with the Why:

Your “why” is the most powerful tool you have. Your “why” is the reason you show up every day year after year attempting a positive mindset despite all of the negative things taking place. That same why can be thread running behind every lesson and unit. Students will truly feel that you care for them if they know your why. Learn more by clicking here

Give Students Choice and Voice:

Give students autonomy in the classroom by letting them choose how to show mastery of content. I have been amazed over the years at the creativity of students. I would never have seen the secret talents of students if I created the lesson, rubric, and assignment every time. I definitely set parameters (especially for younger students) but allowing students to take ownership of their learning is truly inspirational. Learn more by clicking here

Share Your Voice:

Finally, share your voice. I read something one day that said no matter what your problems are as a teacher, leave them in the car when you get to school. I cannot tell how much I disagree with that statement. Students need teachers to share their unique voices, struggles, obstacles, victories, and hard times. Sharing your story can empower a student to share their own. Learn more by clicking here

Next Steps

Interested in learning more? Check out the websites below for great information. 


All sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 

TLDR (too long didn’t read):

Kasey Bell from Shake Up Learning recently released 20 Tech Tips for Teachers (source). I think several of these tips can be applied as common practice in our classrooms. The following five tips are my recommendations to own your classroom – with or without technology. 
