Requesting Your Assistance: Making the Curriculum POP!

One of the professional development workshops I’m facilitating this week is titled Making the Curriculum Pop. We’ll be focusing on the use of digital media and alternative text selections to engage students’ interest in “pop” culture. I would appreciate any ideas for connecting music, TV, movies, newspapers, magazines, etc. with the curriculum, as well as links to images, audio, video, resources, etc. that you can share. I’ll certainly credit you for your suggestions, too.

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Clif Mims is a Christian, husband, father, teacher, cancer warrior, and fan of the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Memphis Grizzlies.

19 thoughts on “Requesting Your Assistance: Making the Curriculum POP!”

  1. Hi Cliff–sorry for the late reply here! Kids I’ve been working with this year are huge fans of stop motion and some have been creating stop motion video interpretations of their favorite texts, songs, and movie characters. There are also some fantastic movie shorts out there which kids can replicate easily in order to make “curriculum pop.” : ) Here is favorite of ours.

  2. Hi

    (In Science) we run a “Celebrity Couple” lesson to teach genetics and a “Newports Next Top Model” to teach about inherited characteristics.

    The students are given copies of Hello, OK and all the other celeb mags we can find. They cut out faces, bodies, arms, legs etc and make the “perfect” body. They then comment on what the advantage of each body part is (long legs = run faster, taller and more attractive (subjective)).
    They then breed their person with that of a partner.


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