Hidden Gems in Google Slides (post 2 of 5): Inserting Charts


Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. You can use Google Slides as a tool to assess student knowledge or obtain feedback through inserting charts from live Google Forms. 


Google Forms is a wonderful tool able to obtain feedback, assess students, or simply obtain information. This information is best used when able to access quickly and easily within Google Slides. Connecting a chart in Forms to Slides requires a one time setup and then a refresh on the slide in Google Slides before presenting. I have personally used this many times to assess student knowledge. As an English Literature teacher, I created a bell-ringer/beginning of the class activity. Students used Forms to answer questions in class that came from the homework the night before. Once class began my Google Slides deck was ready to go. Once all students completed the questions, I clicked update on my slide and presented the chart to the whole class. I could then see which questions were readily understood and which questions needed to be discussed. 

How to:

The setup for inserting charts into Google Slides begins in Forms. Create a Form with a handful of questions. Once finished, open the response Google Sheet that accompanies the Form. Once in the Sheet highlight the column for the first question, click Insert then select Chart. You can customize the chart to fit the specific needs for that question. Then, open the Google Slide deck and once on the desired slide click Insert>Chart>From Sheets>Select the chart you just enabled in Sheets. If no one has completed the Form the data will be empty. Repeat these steps for each question. That’s it! You then can give the link to the Form to your students and when ready click the update button on that slide and present the data.  

TIP: I taught several class periods and created a Google Form and Google Slide deck for each class period so the data would stay true to each class. Otherwise, the data will not be unique to each class and by 7th period will not be helpful. 

Next Steps:

Interested in learning more? Check out the websites below for great information. 


All sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 

TLDR (too long didn’t read):

Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. You can use Google Slides as a tool to assess student knowledge or obtain feedback through inserting charts from live Google Forms. 
