I recently discovered my blog is included in Alltop Education‘s feeds. I’m flattered and grateful. Here’s a bit about Alltop for those that are unfamiliar with it.
“The purpose of Alltop is to help you answer the question, “What’s happening?” in “all the topics” that interest you. You may wonder how Alltop is different from a search engine. A search engine is good to answer a question like, “How many people live in China?” However, it has a much harder time answering the question, “What’s happening in China?” That’s the kind of question that we answer. We do this by collecting the headlines of the latest stories from the best sites and blogs that cover a topic. We group these collections — “aggregations” — into individual web pages. Then we display the five most recent headlines of the information sources as well as their first paragraph…You can think of Alltop as the “online magazine rack” of the web.” (Source)
I think it’s worth your time to browse through the listings at Alltop Education and make some additions to your RSS reader.
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