Tips for Staying Safe on Zoom

With Covid-19 forcing schools around the world to transition to virtual learning, Zoom has become a popular video conferencing tool. However, no technology tool is perfect and as such Zoom has been subject to much criticism for their lack of security protocols. Zoom is actively re-enforcing their security measures, but in the meantime, here are a few tips to using Zoom safely in your virtual classroom. You can read the full article from Zoom by clicking here.  

  1. Avoid using your Personal Meeting ID to host public events. Require a password that users must enter before joining.
  2. Manage screen sharing by choosing “Host Only” when setting up the meeting. 
  3. Manage participants by allowing only signed in users to join, locking the meeting, removing unwanted or disruptive participants, disabling video, or, disabling the private chat.  
  4. Utilize the Waiting Room feature to allow you to choose you is allowed into the meeting. You can also personalize the waiting room message

Next Steps

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