What is Sketchnoting?

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Sketchnoting is a process used to create visuals by drawing and/or combining words and icons together on physical paper or through digital devices. Sketchnoting has been growing in popularity in the world of education over the last several years and definitely assists adults and students process verbal information. 


As seen in the example above, sketchnoting helps learners of all ages retain information, increases focus, uses creative thinking, is a calming yet multi-sensory activity, helps to see the bigger picture, and helps make connections in learning. Sketchnoting can be completed in class as a note taking tool or by adults sketchnoting live to keynotes and lectures happening in real time. 


Sketchnoting is a simple process of combining images, icons, and visuals with few words in a constructive path or through a mind map. There are numerous resources online to get started sketchnoting including books, videos, and examples.

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All sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 

TLDR (too long didn’t read):

Sketchnoting is a process used to create visuals by drawing and/or combining words and icons together on physical paper or through digital devices. Sketchnoting has been growing in popularity in the world of education over the last several years and definitely assists adults and students process verbal information. 
