It’s always exciting to run across cutting edge technology that has true educational implications. “Edusim is a free opensource 3D virtual world” designed to be used with interactive whiteboards. Did you hear that? It’s FREE and OPENSOURCE!!! “Edusim is an extremely powerful way to engage your students by bringing a 3D virtual environment that allows the direct manipulation of the 3D virtual learning objects directly from the interactive whiteboard surface.” You can also use the software to connect multiple interactive whiteboards allowing teachers and students to collaborate with others around the world.
Now, don’t misread my enthusiasm. The graphics, interface, etc. all have room for improvement, but that’s true with all new innovations. That will all get better with time, resources, and more innovation. And, yes, educators will need to look for effective ways to integrate this with teaching and learning and refrain from using another bell or whistle. I just find it intriguing to think about the door of possibilities that this opens. Aw, the fun we’d have with this in my math and science classes. We could potentially use this kind of technology when studying the parts of a cell, the layers of the Earth, fractions, ratios, proportions, measurement, metric vs. British measurement, conversion of measurement, and so much more. I’d love to be part of its future development!!! Wouldn’t that be a blast?How could/will you use this kind of technology in your instruction?
This video is truly amazing. The possibilities are endless on using whiteboards interactively. Honestly I am overwhelmed and do not know if I am up to the task. The implications for group interaction in problem solving alone is huge.
I love to have all these resources to use in my classrooms. Even though it is going to take a lot of time to learn and to teach it will be worth learning.
How could/will you use this kind of technology in your instruction?
Where I work now, we dont have these types of technologies in the classrooms and I think it is awful. I think every school, everywhere should have some type of technological advance integrated with teaching and learning.
I teach young children so these types of technologies would be very useful with a young age group. The children would have fun as well as learn a lot of concepts. These technologies are a win win situation.
How could/will you use this kind of technology in your instruction?
Where I work now, we dont have these types of technologies in the classrooms and I think it is awful. I think every school, everywhere should have some type of technological advance integrated with teaching and learning.
I teach young children so these types of technologies would be very useful with a young age group. The children would have fun as well as learn a lot of new concepts. Using this is a win win situation.
Yes, this software presents some terrific opportunities. Yea for freeware–so many of us could use this! It looks like a great way for pre-K children to learn about shapes and various natural objects and for elementary students to explore physical science. Even more opportunities seem present for advanced students. It looks as if this software could allow for AutoCAD’s strucural designs, except better.
Designs for natural sciences, geometry, and physics look feasible with Edusim.
This is amazing to me and would be great if every classroom had the use of the whiteboard and software. I feel that this would really make students want to learn and participate more because of the fun and interesting ways it can be used
I have spent 30+ years as a geologist and see enormous potential for this technology, if applied correctly (not a toy). Understanding three-dimensional depositional models is imperative to a geologist. In addition, one could add the fourth dimension of time and illustrate the subsequent deformation of a given depostional setting.
Interactive tours of museums would be one way to use this technology. The student could have a list of several items related to the subject being studied that they must find on the tour. There could be bonuses within the program for things they spot that are obviously related to the subject but are not on the list to see if they are familiar with the subject enough to think outside the box. The tours would also expose the students to new places they may never have seen or have the opportunity to see. Students could also work together on a tour or other project that would be shown on the screen as they navigate with their avatars through the scenes.
My daughter attended a middle school fine arts academy this summer where she used e-beam/smart boards to compose music and help her in her voice pitch. Using this technology assisted her in identifying the areas she needed to improve.
The boards can and are being used in all different subjects and at various grade levels. Recently, our elementary school PTA purchased e-beam technology for each classroom and the teacher training to accompany it. It is a pricey adventure but an investment that is so worth it.
I really like the idea of integrating different environments, such as jungle, artic, desert, etc and have groups pick one and start inputting different parts of these environments. Great concept!
My son is blessed to have access to these types of resources in his classroom and you are correct the possibilities are endless. I think engaging with other students in other parts of the world is so key in this global economy. Imagine the collaborative work that can be done with students in China and the U.S..
I actually think these boards are good for all ages and grades. I know my 3 year old is computer savvy and knows her way around the computer better than her 10 year old brother did when he was her age.
This technology is endless and the graphics will get better and more realistic. I think then we may have entered into artificial intelligence land though! Smile.
I have to be honest. I like to keep things real, and I’m skeptical here. This video makes us excited as teachers, but let’s face it: (at my school, anyway) the only teachers who get technology are the ones who teach gateway subjects. We just don’t have that much money, and what we do have is concentrated into a handful of classrooms while the others know better than to even ask. Also, in the video we see one child working independently. I know my other 34 would never be so patient. I know, I know… there are other types of activities which would involve more students. I guess I’m being a Negative Nancy, but I just think we should all consider reality before we get stars in our eyes over smartboards (let alone 3D on smartboards). Dr. Mims, don’t kill me, and maybe you can change my mind by the time we’re done with this class, but I can’t help thinking about what else that much money could buy…
Lots of possibilities for using this in almost every subject. And, it looks like fun!
I have never seen anything like this (except on television shows). This is really cool. I would love to use this, and I know students would love to too.
This is fantastic! I just ordered a new whiteboard to work with the eBeam we won in a drawing last year. Can’t wait to make it work for us in such a great way!!!
Amy Rosenberg
IDT 7061
This video is awesome! I am just in awe by the technology that’s out there. I can see how technology, as shown in the video, can be costly. However, is there any amout of money too much to invest in our children’s future? I am really excited about seeing this. I believe, and others may agree, that in time, school systems will do away with the use of pens, pencils, and paper and become more advanced!
this is an amazing tool to use in a classroom!
How fun this looks! I can see this being useful for almost any grade. Pre-k with learning to draw and recognize shapes to a high school class learning about team work through designing a city (have a planning dept, mayor, city council, DOT, individual developers, and so on).
I think this is a wonderful way for students to interact with technology. My school currently has Smart Boards in each classroom. This advancement is beneficial to the student.
This makes me so excited that I have an IWB for the next school year. I can’t wait to start experimenting with it!
In my undergrad i took this same class and to my amazement the teacher was a principal at a local middle school in Murfreesboro and we went on a field trip to his school and the school had one. People generally think of how expensive things of this nature are but they didn’t have to pay for it all it takes is for teachers to apply for grants. He has each grade level apply for them to bring cool and new things to their school each year… how exciting!
Interactive whiteboards are a great way to get students excited about learning. I am a 7th grade Language Arts teacher and I think it would be really neat to take students on a virtual field trip to Verona while reading Romeo and Juliet!
These whiteboards are really cool. I think they are great, especially for Pre-K and Elementary. This is a great way to keep a kid’s attention.
I am blown away by this! I want one for my house! The students are allowed to be creative and there are endless opportunities for teaching.
I think this is a great idea. Allowing children hands on/interactive experience while also learning has got to be beneficial. You could use this for a numerous amount of lessons and it could making learning more fun and interesting for the students.
I think that this is excellent. I would love to see in person this being used and would love to have the oppurtunity to incorporate it into my classroom someday!
I agree with Tricia. The tool is very cool and innovative, but I think you would have to be very crafty to work it into instruction.
I think that the whiteboard is an excellent tool that allows children the opportunity to interact and learn at the same time. What a great concept.
Students would find interactive whiteboards fun and engaging. I would love to have one in my classroom.
Last semester I visited a Kindergarten class where the students used something like that to help them with reading. The teacher called it a “Smart Board.” The kids absolutely loved it, and I recall them reading some rather large words for five and six year olds.
In my teacher training sessions I will inform teachers about the uses. This would be nice to have in one of my training sessions and allow the teachers to interact with it. I would have graphics related to the training session information.
This would be very interesting in the classroom, but you would have to be careful not to use this feature just for the sake of using it. I love the way you can have multiple users interacting at once.
I think this is amazing! I would love to have one of these in my classroom too! Soon it is going to be a whole new learning environment for teachers and students.
OMG!!! I am floored by this; and the Greenbush site says there is something under development to make interactive videos using cellphone cameras- whoa. I hope to God I can get some of these techtoy/tools to play/teach with in my classroom (once I get a classroom). Awesome! =D