“A free and open source achievement recognition and tracking system used to issue, organize, and share Open Badges.” Source
Why Badgr?
Badgr is a program teachers can use to create and disburse a credential or a “badge” to signify a specific accomplishment or skill acquisition. The badges contain detailed descriptions of the recipients’ achievements and can link to evidence of their work. These badges can be collected by the student to build a personal portfolio or resume. Students can also post these badges via social media. Badgr API integrates into websites and applications such as Canvas (learning management system). Additionally, Badgr has “Learning Pathways,” which allow learners to build their personal learning network and see a map view of where they are in a curriculum.
Check out this video from the Chicago Art Department about the benefits of badges.
How to use Badgr?
How to Create a Badge
Resources for Badgr
The Teacher’s Guide to Badges in Education
Case Studies on Open Badge Use
The Open Badge Network
How to Gamify Your Class
Guest Blogger: Raina Burditt