1 Thing

I’ve added a new feature to Clif’s Notes called 1 Thing. This special section is an area where guest bloggers can communicate “1 thing” they would like to share, suggest, say, demonstrate, etc. about a particular topic. This section will forever be a work in progress, so feel free to suggest guest bloggers and topics anytime. You can easily access this section by clicking on the 1 Thing link in the main menu.

Suggested Reading for 03/13/2008

$125,000 a Year for Every Teacher? Quick, Update Your Resume!

March Madness (It’s Not Just for Basketball) Links

From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Schools

The Class of 2K8

The Nation’s First Blind Governor

Cell Phone Cameras in the K-12 Classroom: Punishable Offense or Student Journalism?

Twitter in Education?

Why You Can’t Explain twitter in 140 Characters

Teaching and Learning with Squidoo

*DISCLAIMER: I’ve hesitated to share this resource because of the advertising and economics tied to it. I have given it a quick test and think that all of that stuff remains invisible. I’m sharing this resource because, in the right context, I see true potential in its integration with teaching and learning.


Have you seen Squidoo? I would roughly describe it as a means of mashing up information from a variety of resources into a lens (as in the eye of a giant squid; fancy word for webpage). This is accomplished through customization and pulling together a good number of RSS feeds, favorites, bookmarks, page rankings/voting, etc. Lenses are ranked, money is given to daily winners, etc.* You can actually earn money for charity or for yourself just by using the service.* I have browsed through many of the existing lenses and been impressed by their quality. I am guessing that the whole free market competition model encourages quality effort as those with lenses with the highest use and approval are rewarded. Most of the ones I reviewed were by doctors, therapists, professors, etc. and all seemed well-credentialed. It is likely that you will find some lenses that you can use in your own classroom.

I haven’t completely made up my mind about what I think of Squidoo (I found it very, very late last night) but it has certainly given me some things to consider. Ideas for integrating it with learning and instruction have flooded my mind. In the right context it would be an interesting tool for teachers and learners to use for webquests, research, scavenger hunts, presentations, cooperative learning, online classes, a Web 2.0 activity, etc. Additional ideas and strategies are very end of this post.

There is also a section called Hey Monkey Brain where students can pick, research and debate a topic. Again, in the right context this feature has several positive educational implications.

I joined and threw together my own lens on the topic of educational technology. Take a look…

You can setup your own free account using here.

Integrating Squidoo

I thought it might be helpful to all of us if we brainstormed ways to integrate the use of Squidoo with teaching and learning. Here are some of the ideas (classes, lesson topics, activities) that came to me.

  • Business
  • Economics
  • Research
  • Writing and editing
  • Information design
  • Current events
  • Math/ science/ health news and research
  • Travel planning/ virtual field trip scenarios
  • Marketing
  • Student designed and developed webquests
  • Homework helper
  • Tips for parents
  • Book reviews
  • Debate/ critical thinking/ persuasive writing
  • Newsletters
  • Service learning/ moral education
  • Instructional design/ lesson planning
  • Online/ web-enhanced learning
  • Focus on composers, painters, or sculptors
  • Communicate information and resources to teachers about particular special needsMuch of the above can be modified for use in foreign language classes

Perfect Use of Vlogging

This is the most natural use of vlogging that I have seen, yet. Take a look at what folks are doing with online video. I stumbled across this while trying to install a video/audio commenting plugin for my new and improved blog. I was blown away by the idea and excited for those that clearly are enjoying a medium that is a perfect communication tool for them. I will be sharing these ideas with all the teachers in my classes.

Oscar shares his book review of Deaf in America.

Celebrating his 1 year vlogging anniversary, Oscar compares and contrasts himself today with a year ago.

This is an assistive technology that is likely to grow in use. I am glad that I am now aware of this use and some of its possibilities.You can view Oscar’s blog here.

Free Concept/Semantic Mapping Software

The following free software programs are good alternatives for concept/ semantic mapping technologies like Inspiration and OpenMind. These are helpful in the development of concept/ semantic maps, flow charts, diagrams, timelines, and more.

REPOST: Beyond Access Inclusion Conference

The Restructuring for School Inclusive Environments (RISE) Project will be hosting the Beyond Access Inclusion Conference on November 27, 2007 at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis, TN. “The 11th Annual BEYOND ACCESS Inclusion Conference is designed to provide educators, administrators, parents, and related service providers current information on the best and most promising practices in inclusive education. More…

The 11th Annual Beyond Access Inclusion Conference in Memphis, TN

The Restructuring for School Inclusive Environments (RISE) Project will be hosting the Beyond Access Inclusion Conference on November 27, 2007 at the Cook Convention Center in Memphis, TN. “The 11th Annual BEYOND ACCESS Inclusion Conference is designed to provide educators, administrators, parents, and related service providers current information on the best and most promising practices in inclusive education. This year’s conference theme, “Inclusion: Mission Possible,” reestablishes the commitment of educators and schools to become innovative in meeting the educational needs of diverse learners through inclusive practices such as response to intervention, differentiated instructional approaches, co-teaching methodology, and positive behavior support activities. Participants will learn from other practitioners and experts in the field of education better ways of including not only students with disabilities, but all students, through effective educational practices” (from conference site). The conference has grown into a regional conference with approximately 500 people attending last year from Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, North Carolina, and California.

Presentation Proposals
Please consider submitting a presentation proposal related to students with special needs in general education classrooms. It is an especially good opportunity for graduate students to present in a very supportive atmosphere. Proposals are due by September 15, 2007.

Conference Registration
Registration information is available here.