Etiquette for Virtual Classrooms

I came across a video explaining proper etiquette for virtual meetings using video conferencing tools. Since our world is almost entirely virtual now, I thought I would share a few of the tips suggested plus a couple of my own as a reminder that even though we are all in our own homes, we can still show kindness to those within our realm of influence (source). 

  1. When you receive a link to a virtual meeting, try to sign in beforehand so that you can download any necessary plugins or applications necessary to join the meeting. Doing this before the meeting begins will ensure that you will not be late to the meeting or stressed trying to complete these tasks quickly and at the last minute. 
  2. Once you join the meeting, greet the presenter and other attendees just as you would in a physical room. Once you have greeted everyone (and essentially tested your audio) mute your microphone so that any noise in your environment is not an interruption to the meeting presenter.
  3. Do not, however, mute your video. It is important for the presenter to see that you are engaged in the content so feel free to nod along, give thumbs up, take notes, etc. 
  4. Utilize the chat to ask questions, share links, etc. This will allow the presenter to continue uninterrupted.  
  5. When speaking on a video call, look at the camera so that your attendees can make eye contact instead of watching you look at your own thumbnail image or off to the side. 
  6. End the meeting with normal exit goodbyes – checking in on colleagues or students as necessary. Being in a virtual room does not mean we, as teachers, cannot ask students to “stay behind” and check in with them. I think this is needed now more than ever. 
  7. Remember that there is a lot going on in our world and I believe that as educators we should focus on giving grace more than grades. The academics learned or lost during this time will not matter once we regain a sense of normalcy and are gathering together in schools again. What will matter is that educators were there for students to comfort their grief and calm their anxiety. 


Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

All other sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 
