I’m spending the next couple of days providing professional development for some of the tech-savvy outstanding teachers with Kannapolis City Schools. My classes will be focusing on teaching and learning with Web 2.0 (Becoming my new thing, I guess.) and creating and using podcasts in the classroom.
Note to my online PLC:
I hope to demonstrate the power and benefits of an online personal learning community (PLC) during my time here, but I’ll need your help with that. Please share your ideas, resources, examples, and advice on these topics. I’m sure the teachers here at KCS would appreciate and benefit from your input. You can respond in the comments section of this post or add information to the related section on my wiki.
PLEASE share! 🙂
That’s very, very good advice, Michelle. I appreciate you pointing this out for all of us as I worry that the “bells and whistles” sometimes distract and we wind up letting the technology drive teaching and learning.
(It sounds like we share the same soap box, Michelle. haha).
Greetings teachers from the Kannapolis City Schools! I know you’re going to learn lots with Clif as your instructor. The web has become such an exciting place and there are so many new and exciting tools out there that it’s hard to know where to begin. As you dive in, remember this one thing: it’s all about the learning outcomes. Decide where you want to go with your students and then pick the tool that can best meet those goals while giving your students a chance to collaborate and create in a global arena.
Have fun and remember to share what you learn with others – that’s the true power of a virtual learning community!