Tag: clif mims
Grammar Fun #23: Reading and Rhyming
Grammar Fun #22: It Cuts Both Ways
Seriously speaking, I really do appreciate the many wonderful English teachers I had in Greenwood. Our schools were blessed with an abundance of excellent ones. Even in our adulthood my siblings, friends, and I have noted our appreciation for your exceptional contributions. Kudos and thanks to each of you.
Image Source: Unknown
Grammar Fun #21: More Common Misuses
Grammar Fun #20: Common Misuses
Solar Eclipse: Arlington, TN
Grammar Fun #19: Writing Tips
Grammar Fun #18: Past Tense
Grammar Fun #17: Punctuation Saves Lives
Benefits in Explaining One’s Math Thinking
"It’s hard to get kids in the habit of talking about how they are thinking about a problem when they’ve had many years of instruction that focused on getting the 'right answer.' That’s why educators are now trying to get students in the habit of explaining their thinking at a young age." — Source: Mind/Shift
Continue reading the full post for examples, tips, and classroom video footage.
Image Source: EdTechTeacher