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One of the principles that is of major emphasis at Project Zero is teaching for understanding. The following video is loosely connected with this idea. I intend to go into greater depth about teaching for understanding in upcoming posts in this series.
“You can forget facts,
but you can not forget understanding.”
— Eric Mazur, Harvard University
“How can you engage your students and be sure they are learning the conceptual foundations of a lecture course? In From Questions to Concepts, Harvard University Professor Eric Mazur introduces Peer Instruction and Just-in-Time teaching — two innovative techniques for lectures that use in-class discussion and immediate feedback to improve student learning. Using these techniques in his innovative undergraduate physics course, Mazur demonstrates how lectures and active learning can be successfully combined” (Source).
NOTE: This video is also available as part of another DVD, Interactive Teaching, which contains advice on using peer instruction and just-in-time teaching to promote better learning.
For more videos on teaching, visit the Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard University.
Related articles
- Less Lecturing, More Learning (bokcenter.harvard.edu)
- “Don’t Lecture Me: Rethinking How College Students Learn” #dbpreads (dbpxhaust.wordpress.com)
- Flipped classroom experiment (christinethorne.wordpress.com)
- MOOC roundup (gasstationwithoutpumps.wordpress.com)
- TechBurst Encourages Students to Share Knowledge (wired.com)