I thought we could use the Comments section to share our thoughts, reflections, hopes, etc. on this day of remembrance. You can also review some of the comments that you left when I did this here on the blog in 2007. I’ve also re-posted a message below that I left in the comments section of my September 11, 2007 post. It still articulates my thoughts and feelings about this day of remembrance.
(Repost from 09/11/2007)
It’s just past Midnight, making it now September 12th. I’d like to thank everyone that has shared on this post. It has been helpful to me to be able to read your comments. I identify with much of what has been said here so far. Although we all lead very different lives and differ in age, profession, political and religious beliefs, have different family responsibilities and live in very different parts of the world it is striking to see that 9/11 impacted all of us in very similar ways. Like a couple of you have mentioned, I also have a tough time trying to articulate my 9/11 experience. I remember it all in great detail and I know exactly how I felt and still feel about it, but for me those memories and feelings don’t easily translate into words. It has really helped me to see many of you articulate your memories and feelings here, because it seems it was a commonly shared experience for all of us, and because of that I realize I don’t have to describe my experiences to you. In an unspoken way we all just seem to “get it.” I find a level of comfort in that.
I don’t mean to cut further discussion of this post by leaving this comment. I encourage others that come here after me to feel free to share with us. I think we’re all likely to keep an eye on this discussion thread.
With great gratitude to all that we lost and to all that are still hurting…
All the very best,