THE CHALLENGE to All Educators 2008

(Repost from 11/20/2007)

I recently wrote a post encouraging educators to get students actively involved in service education. In it I provided my rationale for implementing service activities in the classroom and suggested some resources to help you get started.

Your feedback has caused me to decide to take this a step further. Now, rather than simply encouraging teachers (in general) to do this I’m now challenging you (specifically you) to start a service activity in your classroom. The holiday season is upon us, so I think it’s a perfect time to talk about service and initiate a project with your students.


  1. Kick-off a service activity in your classroom.
  2. Make us, the readers of this blog (there are hundreds of visitors on a daily basis), aware of your project before you begin. I’ve dedicated a new section of the blog to this activity and added a permanent link titled The Challenge to the main menu. This allows us to to share information, provide links to personal/ class blogs, wikis, websites, etc. where we can learn about each other’s projects and share resources and ideas. You can post your information by a) leaving it in the comments in The Challenge area, b) emailing me a link to your project blog, wiki, site, etc. that I’ll add to The Challenge area, or c) emailing me your information, files, links, etc. that I’ll post in The Challenge area.
  3. Keep working on your project and enjoy all the wonderful things that will surely come from it.
  4. Share. Share. Share. Let’s provide updates by which we (including our students) can all follow each other’s progress. Again, you can do this by clicking on The Challenge link in the menu, or by emailing me links, information, files, photos, etc. that I can post on Clif’s Notes for you.

Let’s make the world a better place. I CHALLENGE YOU!!! 🙂


Here are some great resources to help you get started.

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Clif Mims is a Christian, husband, father, teacher, cancer warrior, and fan of the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Memphis Grizzlies.

5 thoughts on “THE CHALLENGE to All Educators 2008”

  1. mrsdurff and Marie,

    Thanks for your comments. Please feel free to pass along The Challenge to all the teachers that you know.

  2. I think this is great that you have a blog where teachers can share their classroom service education experiences. Especially during Thanksgiving and Christmas there are so many ways to get students involved in service. I have been with a class before where we adopt  families to provide Thanksgiving food for. It’s great because everyone in the class brings in an item and we all go as a class to deliver it. The students will also create cards and decorations to help the family celebrate the holidays. These service activites allow students to really see first hand the blessings in their lives and all the things they can be thankful for.

  3. I cannot make you aware before we begin because this is our 2nd year doing service activities. We support mission trips to Mexico, servicemen in Iraq, and currently loans through kiva.

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