WOW Your Students

Here’s a video that I think can be integrated with just about any curriculum. This is pretty amazing!

Educational Connections

As with most things on this blog I would like for us to talk about the educational uses of this video. I’ll share a few curricular connections that I’ve considered and then I ask that you add your ideas, too.

  • Science – Ecosystems, ants, and food chain (circle of life), just to name a few
  • Math – Calculations, estimations, units of measurement, and more
  • Social Studies – Archeology, societies, social structures and systems, etc.
  • Language Arts – Response journals, presentations, debates, and develop informational pamphlets
  • Physical Education – Compare the strength of ants with that of humans (More math and science connections)
  • Art – Works of art of paint, pottery, and papier-mache come to mind.

Please share your ideas, too. 🙂

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Clif Mims is a Christian, husband, father, teacher, cancer warrior, and fan of the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Memphis Grizzlies.

6 thoughts on “WOW Your Students”

  1. Thanks to all of you for sharing your ideas for integrating this in your classes.


    I also see the Web 2.0 (PLN) analogy. Together we learn more. The URL for the video is I believe this aired on the National Geographic Channel. This is indeed just a small part of the documentary.

  2. What an amazing video.So many students would be fascinated by the concept of excavating an ant nest. It brings a new slant to archaeology.

  3. Amazing!

    I am a bit crazy, so bear with me, but I am going to use this as an analogy to explain web2.0/social media/enterprise 2.0/whatever “they” are calling it these days. As a collective we are stronger than the individual. Also I will use this to show the power of well functioning teams that put the project first and foremost.

    What is the link to the youtube video? It sounds/looks like a documentary that would be worth the watch.

  4. That is absolutely amazing!

    Definitely a lot of curriculum tie-ins in that video. I can see trying to calculate the physics of moving the dirt, making the connections of the city.

  5. Great Idea, I incorporated it into my History class. I had the class watch the video and take down thoughts on the video and what they thought about the video. Once the video was done we had a discussion on the video and how it relates to History past and present. I believe the lesson was insightful for many students and forced the students to critically think about their answers and how they relate to history. Thanks for the idea.

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