Setup Your Own Drop Box in Google Drive
Allow Anyone to Upload Files Directly to Your Drive
“Have you ever been in the situation when you needed someone to share a digital file with you but the file is too large to send as an email attachment? Sharing that file with you in Google Drive is a great alternative, but what happens if the person does not have a Gmail or GAFE account?
Well, it turns out there is a script that automatically provides you with a URL that allows any user to upload a file to a designated folder in your Google Drive. The beauty of this script is that anyone can send the file to your Google Drive without signing in to a Google account! Here is how to set it up (no scripting ability required).”
First Tweet – Who Tweeted It First?
“Enter search keywords, or even a link, and we’ll find the first tweet that contains that term.”
Dictation – Online Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition in the Browser
With Dictation, you can use the magic of speech recognition to write emails, narrate essays and long documents in the browser without touching the keyboard.
To get started, just connect the microphone to your computer and click the Start Dictation button.
Dictation uses your browser’s local Storage to save all the transcribed text automatically as you speak. That means you can close the browser and it will resume from where you left off.
Speak in your Native Language
You don’t have to speak in English as Chrome’s engine can recognize quite a few languages including Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Malay, Indonesian and more. Dictation will automatically determine your browser’s default language and uses it for subsequent transcriptions.
Automatically Pull Data between Different Google Spreadsheets
“One feature of Google spreadsheets is there is a function called ImportRange that allows you to pull data out of one sheet and into another. This can be really useful, if for example you have a spreadsheet that you are using to collaborate with others, and then somewhere along the line you want another person to be able to see some of the data in the sheet but not all of it. e.g. if you are using this to track student grades, you could have a master sheet that you and other tutors can see all of, you could then create a separate sheet for each student, and pull through only the data that refers to them (you then share that sheet with the student) and they have a live constantly updating record of what they have achieved etc.”
Category: 2.0
Bookmarks for 08/22/2016
Research and Digital Technologies
“Research is a process. It is a continuum of stages that together make up a research plan. Below is a tentative sketch of what we think are the seven important steps of a research plan. For each of these stages we featured a short collection of web tools to help you carry it out.”
16 Mobile Apps for Students with Special Needs
Handy infographic.
Pokémon Go Automatically Granting Permission to Read Your Gmail
The Verge is reporting that “Pokémon Go has become wildly popular in the days since its release last week, but the app may be hiding a serious security issue. In many cases, users who sign into the app through a Google Account are often inadvertently granting broad permissions over all information linked to the account, including the power to read and send emails. At no point in the sign-in process does the app notify users that full access is being granted” (Source). Read more at The Verge.
Perhaps the app developer will correct this issue in the near future.
Easily Turn Video into Engaging Lessons with EDpuzzle
Larry Ferlazzo describes EDpuzzle as “a new innovative site that lets you take just about any video off the web, edit it down to the portions you want, add audio notes and questions for students, and create virtual classrooms where you can monitor individual student work” (Source). Perhaps the best part is that teachers and students can use it for FREE.
To see an example, view Bobby Barber’s EDpuzzle that he uses in his math classroom.
Getting Started
The following quick demo will help you begin using EDpuzzle.
Flipped Learning and EDpuzzle
“EDPuzzle is a great resource for the flipped classroom, allowing teachers to create and present innovative lectures in a safe environment” according to Education World. Further, iLearn Technology notes that as “students watch, [the teacher] can check understanding and ensure active watching vs. passive watching. In a flipped scenario, this gives you the ability to completely tailor a lesson the next day based on the formative assessment results you get from homework. This is truly utilizing assessment to inform instruction.”
Educational Connections
EDpuzzle can be used:
- In flipped classrooms (as discussed above).
- To make lecturecasts, tutorials, video directions, etc. more engaging and interactive.
- For compiling data and information about students’ performance, and perhaps understanding, which can helpful formative assessment.
- So that students can annotate video reflections, recorded reports and skits, and more.
- To allow students to develop tutorials and quizzes about the current topic of study. Putting students in the teacher’s role can encourage higher-levels of thinking.
Ideas for Using ThingLink in the Classroom
“ThingLink is an interactive media platform that empowers publishers, educators, brands, and bloggers to create more engaging content by adding rich media links to photos and videos…Use ThingLink to create interactive news photography, maps, posters, family albums, infographics, and shoppable product catalogs in minutes” (Source).
Getting Started
The following video will help you start using ThingLink.
Setting up ThingLink for the Classroom
This playlist, compiled by Susan Oxnevad, contains tutorials for setting up ThingLink channels, embedding Google docs, setting up student accounts, organizing students into project groups, and more.
Educational Connections
ThingLink can be used:
- To communicate the directions and expectations for class projects, small group activities, independent learning, etc.
- With book reports, research projects, and science projects.
- To add narration to images.
- For teacher and student introductions at the beginning of the year.
- To develop interactive posters to communicate with students and parents.
- For student reflections.
- To integrate multimedia and dynamic data with maps, infographics, Wordles, and other images.
- For organizing and sharing professional development resources.
- To organize online scavenger hunts and webquests.
- As interactive digital bulletin boards.
Animal Cells: Their Composition and Functionality
Extended Learning
Creating ePortfolios with ThingLink
ThingLink launches Virtual Reality Lessons App For Education
VR Lessons by ThingLink – iOS App
Interesting Ways to Use Thinglink in the Classroom
ThingLink in the Classroom – One image. Tons of possibilities.
20 Ways to Use ThingLink in Education
Bookmarks for 04/19/2015
Easily capture children’s thoughts and stories using visual prompts and voice.
This writing platform lets teachers create and share writing ideas while students publish to groups.
Useful as a learning journal and for student-driven portfolios.
Bookmarks for 03/27/2015
Bookmarks for 02/20/2015
Using Technology vs. Technology Integration
A handy chart for teachers.
Nutshell: Prezi’s New App for Visual Storytelling
Prezi introduces a new way to share life’s little moments, in a nutshell.
Combining the simplicity of photographs, the compelling nature of video, and the fun of animated graphics, Nutshell uses Prezi’s new storymapping technology to create short, shareable cinematic narratives that can be shared easily and instantly.
Besides creating fun social media updates, Nutshell opens the door for all sorts of unique messaging opportunities when videos feel like too much of a production and plain photos just are not adequate for capturing life’s moments.
3 Easy Steps
- Snap three pictures.
- Add captions.
- Choose graphics and let Nutshell turn it all into a shareable cinematic story.
- Library of free animated graphics that you can use to create short cinematic stories
- Instant sharing to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
- Send nutshells directly to friends via email, text messages, and WhatsApp
- Full camera support for iOS 8.0 and above
- Much more
Educational Connections
- Provides students with a creative alternative for submitting reflections, journals, etc.
- Share engaging news and announcements with students and parents.
- Integrate with standards focused on communication: personal expression, propaganda techniques, etc.
- Enables creative ways for students to share their interpretations of poems, stories, books, plays, and other works of art.
- Empower students to collect evidence of their thinking during a lab or group activity.
- The finished product can serve as an artifact of learning, potentially making thinking visible in your classroom.
There are many other educational connections. Please share yours in the comments to this post.
Google+ Communities
I’m a big, big fan of Google+. It’s a very big component of my personal learning network (PLN). Here are some thoughts about about why I prefer Google+ over the other social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). I encourage everyone to take a look at Google+’s services and consider taking advantage of them.
Friend Me
Please feel free to friend me on Google+. Then browse through my Links and Other Profiles to make connections, collaborate, and share resources through other networks. As I frequently say, “Together we learn more.”
Google+ Communities
I’ve developed several Google+ Communities where we can interact and share resources around particular topics. I invite you to join and actively contribute to all of these groups in which you have an interest/expertise.
- EdTeach and Professional Development
- Making Thinking Visible with Technology – Tipton County Schools
- School Technology Leadership – Sponsored by CASTLE
- I have also been using Google+ Communities to support the classes that I teach since Fall 2012.