I’ve added a new feature to Clif’s Notes called 1 Thing. This special section is an area where guest bloggers can communicate “1 thing” they would like to share, suggest, say, demonstrate, etc. about a particular topic. This section will forever be a work in progress, so feel free to suggest guest bloggers and topics anytime. You can easily access this section by clicking on the 1 Thing link in the main menu.
Category: Future
Human Computation: Free Labor
In this video from WIRED Science, Luis von Ahn demonstrates some worthwhile uses of captchas, shares cutting edge strategies in digitizing books and tagging images, and shares the latest methods for translating online content.
Perhaps I’ll dislike captchas a tad bit less after seeing this.
More on this episode is available here.
Interesting FREE Online Workshop
Moving Technology Courses Online
Learn about cutting edge research in preservice technology preparation
Friday, March 21, 2008
Noon CST
Registration (free) and full details available here.
Sponsored by AECT‘s Teacher Education Division
Suggested Reading for 03/11/2008
Sickness has finally made its way into our home. All but one of us have been sick since the weekend and I am not that lucky one. As a result, I have had lots of time to grade, plan and read. I though I’d share these particularly interesting posts with you this evening.
Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education
Student Voices on Cyberbullying
RE Social Network Sites-An Open Letter to the Superintendent
Did You Change the World Today?
Gadberry asks the important question, “Did you change the world today?” So many teachers go into the profession with the genuine intention to positively impact the world. Unfortunately, many of us allow lesson planning, grading, IEP meetings, curriculum standards, meetings, sports, tv, errands, etc. to fill the bulk of our schedules and crowd out any possibility of changing the world. You know exactly what I mean, so I won’t insult you by pontificating on the obvious.
I haven’t positively changed the world today, but I still have about 7.5 hours to work on it. I assure you I will.
Now it’s your turn. Did you change the world today? (Please share in your the Comments below.)
Related Resources
Good Sentiment
Teaching, Learning, Technology and the Future
Let’s discuss the following quote in regards to teaching, learning, technology and the future.
The future is already here – it is just unevenly distributed. — William Gibson (Attributed)
Review of Frontline’s “Growing up Online”
I watched the program last night. (PBS has made the full version of the program available online, along with extended clips, discussion boards, and a chat room.) Given all the chatter before the airing I found the program to be more balanced than I was expecting, but it was not without bias. Here are some of my random thoughts related to the program.
- It cautioned that kids may be smarter and safer about online socializing than we think. Are they learning this from themselves, school, parents, media, or …?
- The program dedicated more time to the use of technology for socializing rather than for educational purposes. I’d like to see a follow-up program deal with that topic.
- I’m not sure that everything in the program is generalizable to the larger population. While the episode never overtly made any such claim it’s important that viewers not make that assumption.
- There are excellent teachers that do not make any use of technology in the classrooms. The use of technology does not necessarily make one educational experience better than another.
- The issue of parents’/ schools’ safety concerns and children’s privacy is one that deserves a great deal more consideration.
FRONTLINE: growing up online | PBS via kwout
Here’s what others are saying:
- Comments to my (Clif’s) initial post
- Infinitude: Part I, Part II
- Jennifer Maddrell
- Weblogg-ed: Post 1, Post 2
- Geeky Mom
- Nick Pernisco
- The Official Growing up Online Discussion Board
“Growing up Online” on PBS’ Frontline
UPDATE: The program has aired and you can read my review.
Free 3D Software for Interactive Whiteboards
It’s always exciting to run across cutting edge technology that has true educational implications. “Edusim is a free opensource 3D virtual world” designed to be used with interactive whiteboards. Did you hear that? It’s FREE and OPENSOURCE!!! “Edusim is an extremely powerful way to engage your students by bringing a 3D virtual environment that allows the direct manipulation of the 3D virtual learning objects directly from the interactive whiteboard surface.” You can also use the software to connect multiple interactive whiteboards allowing teachers and students to collaborate with others around the world.
Now, don’t misread my enthusiasm. The graphics, interface, etc. all have room for improvement, but that’s true with all new innovations. That will all get better with time, resources, and more innovation. And, yes, educators will need to look for effective ways to integrate this with teaching and learning and refrain from using another bell or whistle. I just find it intriguing to think about the door of possibilities that this opens. Aw, the fun we’d have with this in my math and science classes. We could potentially use this kind of technology when studying the parts of a cell, the layers of the Earth, fractions, ratios, proportions, measurement, metric vs. British measurement, conversion of measurement, and so much more. I’d love to be part of its future development!!! Wouldn’t that be a blast?How could/will you use this kind of technology in your instruction?