By Trevor Acy
Since getting an iPhone 3G back in July I have not stopped downloading applications. I could go on and on about tons of useful apps from social networking to utilities to sports, but that’s for another post. Last week another iPhone addicted friend of mine tuned me in to Simplifymedia and I’m about to try and do the same for you.
I shouldn’t describe this as a iPhone application, since it isn’t only that, but that is how I was introduced to it. It is actually a computer application. It is a quick and simple download from the Simplifymedia website that works a lot like an instant messenger program. You choose a screen name and then can add friends that have also created an account (up to 30 people!). It should be noted that Simplifymedia works on PC, Mac, and Linux systems. Now when you set up your account you can choose to share music from your iTunes, Winamp, or Rhythmbox accounts with your friends (and only your friends). When you are on your computer, any of your friends on Simplify can see that you’re active and can choose any of the music you have decided to share to listen to. No longer do you have to rip endless amounts of music from CDs, or spend a fortune on iTunes to get albums your friends already have. They are all yours, and for free.
Back to the iPhone. With an iPhone or iPod Touch you can download the Simplifymedia application from the application store and it works just like it does on your computer. Not only when you are home can you listen to your friends’ music but on the go as well. When you listen to as much music as I do, being able to expand your music library this quickly and for free was fantastic. And because you can have up to thirty friends on your account, it behooves you to get more people to download Simplify. Because the more friends you have on the larger your music library becomes. Again, it’s free and shares your music with only people you accept to share with.