Suggested Reading for 03/11/2008

Sickness has finally made its way into our home. All but one of us have been sick since the weekend and I am not that lucky one. As a result, I have had lots of time to grade, plan and read. I though I’d share these particularly interesting posts with you this evening.

Be Good to the Lunch Ladies

Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education

Student Voices on Cyberbullying

RE Social Network Sites-An Open Letter to the Superintendent

New Voicethread Export Feature

Blogging with Students

Suggested Reading for 03/03/2008

I’ve found the following to be interesting reading material. I’d like to write a full post regarding each but I just don’t have the time. Instead, I’ll just mention them and suggest that you take a look at them.

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss.

Designing Interactions

Top 10 Ed-Tech Stories Still Resonate in 2008 – from eSchool News

Taking the One Laptop Per Child XO Laptop to the Preschool Classroom – Anne provides several strategies that she has used with preschool children.

Carl Dickerson gives the gift of literacy to low-income children – We need more people like this.

What I’d Teach the Teachers – An interesting perspective on effective teaching.

Is Plagiarism a Problem for eLearning?

Take a free course from MIT.

What Do They Need to Know?

Interactive Periodic Table

Does Testing Crush Creativity?

Teacher Dropouts: Why?

NETS-S: First or Second Edition?