Tag: advice
Magic Johnson: Kids Need Help, Hope, and Support
Parents and Teachers: Don’t Get Distracted
Wisdom for Parents and Teachers
Talking with Children’s Author S.A. Bodeen
Talking Ed. with S.A. Boodeen
Episode 009 (View entire series)
“S.A. Bodeen is the author of the acclaimed [young adult] novels The Compound
, The Gardener
, The Raft
, and The Fallout. She is also the author of the Shipwreck Island series
for middle grade readers” and she has books scheduled for publication in the next few months. “Raised on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, she was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania, an experience which inspired her to write Elizabeti’s Doll, her first award-winning picture book” (Source).
I enjoyed visiting with Stephanie (She said that’s what her friends call her.) and especially appreciated this advice she offered to young authors.
The following is the video from the interview. In it, she discusses her background, highlights some of her books, provides additional advice to young authors, and discusses ways that she would enjoy connecting with you and your students.
Further Investigation
Fostering a Child’s Inner Voice
I love this quote. Parents and teachers need to be cognizant of the impact their words can have on children. Peggy O’Mara takes this a bit further and reminds us that the WAY we speak our words to children also impacts them. Their self-talk is influenced by the way the adults in their lives speak to them.
I’ll try to keep that in mind the next time the TV remote is missing.
This poster is the first work that I’ve created using Canva. I’ve been tinkering with Canva for about two weeks and I’m surprised by how much I like it. It’s useful and pretty easy (there are a few user-interface improvements that I hope happen soon, but I still like it.). I’ve not cared for previous cloud-based graphic design tools, but Canva may have changed my mind. I’ve even gone ahead and setup my public profile. I look forward to connecting with you there.
What If Money Was No Object?
“What would you do with your life if money was no object?”
The late Alan Watts shares advice for finding happiness in both our personal and professional lives.
Bill Cosby Addresses Graduates
Educator and comedian Bill Cosby spoke to the class of 2012 at Temple University’s 125th commencement. Dr. Cosby spoke about the troubles facing young people entering today’s work force and challenges the graduates to “wake up and not dream through” the next stage of life.
Hats off to this year’s graduates!
Related Articles
- Bill Cosby Speaks to 2012 Graduates (freetech4teachers.com)
- University of San Francisco Honors Comedian and Educator Bill Cosby at 2012 Commencement (prweb.com)

Advice for Future Teachers Graduating This Month
Episode 002
Please watch this 20 second video post and consider sharing your wisdom. NOTE: Click on the small video stills under the viewer to watch the video replies from others.
Please share your text/audio/video reply in the Comments section of this post or respond to the corresponding Seesmic conversation (Think video-based Twitter).