Remembering Dr. King

I’ve visited the National Civil Rights Museum several times recently as we’ve had friends and colleagues come through Memphis. Standing near the place where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated never ceases to move me. Although many will spotlight Dr. King’s I Have a Dream speech (which I’ve also done in the past) this MLK Day, I have decided this year to spotlight his final speech referred to as I’ve Been to the Mountaintop (View full text). It was actually given at the Mason Temple here in Memphis the night before his death. I created the below Wordle of this speech to present the major topics from this passionate dream of a new day.

“While the untimely death of Dr. King was the end of an era, it also marked the beginning of a movement – to take the lessons we learned from his vision and transform our future.” (Source)

Suggested Resources

Biography from Nobel Prize

A View from the Mountaintop: MLK in Memphis

MLK Online

Videos and Slide Shows available at YouTube, TeacherTube, and SlideShare

More about Civil Rights