Celebrating 13th Blogiversary

Today, Monday, May 21, YouTube celebrates its 7th birthday. Can you believe that its been seven years since the first YouTube video was shared with the world? Does anyone remember what we did before we had online video?
To commemorate the occasion, YouTube has published a video with some of the crazy statistics and incredible things that have occurred during the company’s existence. Says the video summary accompanying the birthday video, “Thanks for the amazing things you watch, create, and share!” (Source)
How many of the classic clips included within the following video reflection do you recognize?
Today marks the 3rd blogiversary of Clif’s Notes. I am grateful to each of you with whom I’ve connected as a result of this online adventure. You’ve been a blessing to me personally and professionally.
I’m much busier this year and unable to do anything as creative as I did for last year’s celebration. Instead, here are a few of the most visited blog posts from the past 3 years.
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