360-Degree Cameras in Education: A Quick Introduction

Guest Blogger
Kasey Kennedy

Some say 360-degree cameras may be the next big thing in education. What is a 360-degree camera? It is a camera that allows you to capture photos and videos in a spherical format. The spherical format allows the viewer to pan around the entire image or video in a 360-degree fashion.

View this 360 degree image to get an idea of what these kinds of cameras can do.

Enjoy this video, What Happens in Your Body?, and enjoy a 360-degree exploration of your circulatory and digestive systems. Follow the directions below the video to navigate this spherical video.

Click on the following image for a 360-photo of the North Pole.

Using 360-Degree Cameras in the Classroom  

Virtual Field Trips: Take a moment to view this video. You could create a video to go along with whatever you are teaching, and the students could work themselves through the video to get more information. Another example could be using a 360 video to help students explore the cells of the body.

School Events: What if you could play the camera on the stage while a student performed? This would let the students view their work, and see the performance as the audience sees it.

Parental Involvement: This would be a great way to get parents involved. Most cameras will only record parts of the room, unless it is carried around. By using a 360 degree camera, a parent could pan around to their child, and watch their child the whole time. This will help the parents see what is going on in the classroom, and it will get them more involved.

Outside of the Classroom Field Trips: When on a field trip, the camera could be used to take pictures, or a video, and the teacher could replay it for the students as they do their reflections. This could also be an opportunity for any students who missed the field trip to receive the same experience. (Source)

Tips for Using 360-Degree Cameras

Geoffrey Morrison shares six tricks for getting the best photo and video spheres. 

I also recommend 10 Things I Wish I Knew before Shooting 360 Video by Vanessa Hand Orellana.

360-Degree Virtual Tours

The Lincoln Memorial

Luray Caverns

The Secret Annex of Anne Frank’s Home


Knowledge Is the Key

Here’s a creative entry in the Interactive Classroom Makeover Contest.

“Viva La Vida” is a parody of the Coldplay music video by the same name. “Live the Life” fits this video well as it talks about ways to live the life with technology. Created by Miss Janelle Keune’s 7th and 8th graders, around 100 students were involved in some aspect of it’s creation from writing, filming, choreographing, mixing the audio, editing, and acting. We were very excited to be able to use back-up music from our own 7th and 8th grade orchestra, directed by Mrs. Jennifer Larson. This video embodies the ways in which technology can impact learning, through improved test scores, better comprehension, a more engaging classroom, and an overall excitement for school. We hope you enjoy “Viva La Vida”. (Source)

Cast Your Votes for the Interactive Classroom Makeover

After receiving more than 200 entries the finalists in the 2009 Interactive Classroom Makeover Contest have been announced. One classroom from each of the three categories will receive a digital makeover worth over $30,000.

Learn more about the contest and rules and cast your votes by Noon EST on December 4, 2009.

Video Cameras in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating video cameras with teaching and learning.