Reply to Miguel Guhlin

Episode 006

Yesterday’s blog post by Miguel Guhlin (@mguhlin) caused me to think…and that caused me to want to share and think out loud…and now I’d really like to know how others respond…so…please read Miguel’s brief post about the Google Teacher Academy application process, then view my reply below and share your response.

I’d definitely appreciate it. 🙂

Please share your text/audio/video reply in the Comments section of this post or respond to the corresponding Seesmic conversation (Think video-based Twitter).

VoiceThread in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating VoiceThread with teaching and learning.

Wordle in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Wordle with teaching and learning.

Twitter in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Twitter with teaching and learning.

Video Cameras in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating video cameras with teaching and learning.

Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom

My buddy, Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating interactive whiteboards (IWBs) with teaching and learning.

Google Earth in the Classroom

Tom Barrett developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Google Earth with teaching and learning.

Google Docs in the Classroom

Tom Barrett developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Google Docs with teaching and learning.