Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating video cameras with teaching and learning.
Tag: Video
15 Second Search Tip Videos
These very short videos will help you more effectively use Google’s search engine. Click play to watch the entire playlist or use the arrows to navigate to particular clips that interest you.
The Left Thumb Blogger
Glenda Watson Hyatt shares her experiences living with cerebral palsy to motivate and inspire others to think about how they perceive their own situation and their own world around them. She does all this by typing with only her left thumb! (Source)
Learn with Us (IDT7078)
As I mentioned in a recent blog post I’m teaching a seminar this summer focusing on Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0 Technologies. I concluded the earlier post by sharing the following:
In keeping with the principles of Web 2.0 I encourage the participation of everyone with an interest or expertise in this topic. You may contribute to the discussion and fun by using the following tag/keyword: idt7078. Be on the lookout for ways (Ustream, Skype, Twitter, Plurk, etc.) to informally participate with us. I would certainly consider making it possible for those wishing to enroll in the course and participate from a distance, too.
Greg R. Fishbone replied to my earlier post and asked the following question regarding my concluding statements.
I’d love to participate informally, but how does one follow a keyword?
I think this is a GREAT a question and I suspect Greg is not the only one wondering about this. I’m sharing this information here in hopes of helping Greg and anyone else that may be interested in being part of our learning community this summer.
Google Keyword Search
You can add the following RSS feed to your aggregator (such as Google Reader or Bloglines). New blog posts, wiki entries, bookmarks, videos, podcasts, etc. tagged with idt7078 will then be “delivered” to you as they show up in Google.
An alternative to this strategy would be to setup a Google Alert for idt7078.
Twitter Search
You can also add a keyword search for idt7078 to TweetDeck or similar Twitter platform if you are using one. If not, then you can add the following RSS feed for the Twitter Search of the course tag to your aggregator.
Plurk Search
Add idt7078 to your list of Saved Searches in your profile’s dashboard.
Your Class Can Interact with Astronauts
NASA astronaut Mark Polansky, who will be commanding the next mission to the International Space Station, has just posted a video to NASA’s official YouTube channel inviting YouTubers and Twitter fans to take part in his next mission, submitting video questions via YouTube and following mission updates over Twitter.
To ask a question, Polansky says to create a video of around thirty seconds and post it to YouTube, then send it to his Twitter account using an @reply. He’ll respond to the questions on NASA TV, which is broadcast nation-wide. (Source)
I encourage you and your students to participate in this activity. It’s a rare opportunity. Who knows? You may have a future NASA astronaut, controller or engineer sitting in your class!
Real Life Twitter
Another Creative Video
I do not know anything about this song or the artist (Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie
) but I do think this is a cool video. I love watching the evolution of digital video. We are coming up with creative ways to communicate as we explore the use of this medium.
Free Educational Technology Workshops
The Instructional Design and Technology program at the University of Memphis is pleased to be hosting the following free technology workshops. Please consider joining us and feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues, students, friends, family, etc. All workshops will be in 310 Ball Hall on the UM campus. Preregistration is strongly encouraged as seating is limited.
Tuesday – 3/24/09
5:30 – 8:00: Digital Video
Wednesday – 3/25/09
3:30 – 5:30: iLife ’09 and MobileMe
5:45 – 8:15: Enhanced Podcasting
The Powerful Link between Creativity and Play
Designer Tim Brown shares the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play during the 2008 Serious Play conference. Brown includes many playful examples you can try at home (and one that maybe you shouldn’t).
No Words Needed
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this short video speaks for itself. THIS is truly “must see TV.”