Hidden Gems in Slides (post 3 of 5): Customizing Videos


Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. With Google Slides you can customize videos including embedding videos, trimming videos, and auto-playing videos. 


Embedding videos in Google Slides helps to eliminate losing precious class time trying to find and play videos. Also, through options like auto-play and trimming the video you can present exactly the content desired without playing the entire video. You can also use this feature to purposefully stop videos at certain points to ask questions and elicit a classroom discussion. 

How to:

Open the desired Google Slide deck and navigate to the slide where you want to include the video. Click Insert>Video> and choose from Youtube or from My Drive. It is best to already have the URL if using Youtube videos. The My Drive section will show the last added video first. Once the video appears on the slide you can resize the video to be full screen. Then, right click on the video and choose video options. This toolbar will allow you to select a start time and an end time. You can also choose to auto-play when presenting and to mute the audio. 

TIP: I have used this feature to add music to slides for timers. If I need a 5 minute timer, I would add a 5 minute music video to the slide and choose to auto-play. When the song ends the timer is finished and the activity stops. 

Next Steps:

Interested in learning more? Check out the websites below for great information. 


All sourced information is hyperlinked as applicable above. 

TLDR (too long didn’t read):

Google Slides is far more than a presentation tool. With Google Slides you can customize videos including embedding videos, trimming videos, and auto-playing videos. 


Multiple Representations of Understanding with Technology

These are the slides from my first Tennessee Educational Technology Conference presentation. Unfortunately the animations and effects were lost when uploaded to SlideShare. I’ve shared my notes and resources from this presentation over on my wiki, Learning Telecollaboratively. I hope to create a Vidcast or SlideCast of this presentation once I return home and things settle down.

I demonstrated that with freely available digital technologies students can demonstrate their understanding of course content in multiple ways (images, audio, video, presentations, artwork, and more). Each student’s end product (learning artifact) allows them to personally self-express their understanding of the content/mastery of the skills. Although teachers may not be comfortable using all of today’s technology it is important to consider allowing students to use it to communicate their understanding as they are often more naturally able to more fully express themselves with digital media.

View more presentations from Clif Mims.

Conference Tag: #tetc

Knowledge Is the Key

Here’s a creative entry in the Interactive Classroom Makeover Contest.

“Viva La Vida” is a parody of the Coldplay music video by the same name. “Live the Life” fits this video well as it talks about ways to live the life with technology. Created by Miss Janelle Keune’s 7th and 8th graders, around 100 students were involved in some aspect of it’s creation from writing, filming, choreographing, mixing the audio, editing, and acting. We were very excited to be able to use back-up music from our own 7th and 8th grade orchestra, directed by Mrs. Jennifer Larson. This video embodies the ways in which technology can impact learning, through improved test scores, better comprehension, a more engaging classroom, and an overall excitement for school. We hope you enjoy “Viva La Vida”. (Source)

Cast Your Votes for the Interactive Classroom Makeover

After receiving more than 200 entries the finalists in the 2009 Interactive Classroom Makeover Contest have been announced. One classroom from each of the three categories will receive a digital makeover worth over $30,000.

Learn more about the contest and rules and cast your votes by Noon EST on December 4, 2009.