Dear Eye-Fi,
I’d grown tired of all the time it took to download and organize my photos from my camera to my computer. Even more burdensome was the effort it took to then upload them online so that they could be shared with friends and family. Argh! Technology should be easier!!!
Then I heard about your wireless card, the Eye-Fi. I read your claims that it “automatically uploads pictures from your digital camera to your PC or Mac and to your favorite photo sharing, printing, blogging or social networking site.” I admit that I was skeptical. I waited for nearly five months and kept an eye on your progress, technical reviews, user feedback, etc. Your product and services consistently received high marks and my interest grew stronger.
I recently ordered my own Eye-Fi and it arrived in a timely fashion. I’ve been playing with it for only a short while but I would like to share the following points with you.
- Great packaging! Wow, I thought only Apple could be so clever with a product’s container. Major kudos.
- What an easy setup! It was such a cinch I was certain I was skipping over some steps. I can not believe something that does so much was so simple to setup.
- Way to live up to your claims! Again, wow, the Eye-Fi does exactly what you claim. My digital photos wirelessly download to my computer and upload to my online photo sharing site for loved ones to enjoy…without any assistance from me.
Thank you for a great product. Thank you for freeing me from having to dig out the old USB cord, hook up my camera to my computer, download and organize the photos, login to my online photo sharing site, and upload all the images. Thank you for making photos fun again.
All the best,
You’ll wonder how you ever made it without one, Jethro!
Sweet! I am really glad you like this product. I saw it and thought it sounded too good to be true. It really does look amazing. I may have to break down and get one. I am not sure that I want *all* my photos published online, some aren’t that great. I may have to break down and get one of these.