Wordles of Every Inaugaration Speech [Video and Gallery]

Governing Dynamo has developed a gallery of all 56 American presidential inaugural addresses that includes full transcripts, Wordles (word cloud visualizations) and video footage. The video below can be a useful way to navigate through the gallery. Click on the glowing green dots in the video to learn more about an inaugural address.

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Clif Mims is a Christian, husband, father, teacher, cancer warrior, and fan of the Mississippi State Bulldogs and Memphis Grizzlies.

5 thoughts on “Wordles of Every Inaugaration Speech [Video and Gallery]”

  1. Great link thanks for posting, it will make for a great lesson starter, I’m just begining to imagine the conversation these imgaes will invoke.

    1. It could lead to activities in which learners compare and contrast themes in speeches according to political party affiliation, war-time and peace-time, decades or centuries, etc.

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