Category: Uncategorized
What If Students Assigned Their Own Homework?
“Some may say homework is good practice, and practice makes perfect. Others insist homework is unproductive and pointless.
“What benefit is there in doing 20 of the same type of math problem? If students didn’t understand the lesson from the day, not understanding 20 problems may make them feel that math is inaccessible. This is how children begin to struggle in math and decide it’s not for them. And if they did understand the lesson, repeating similar problems is pointless. Worse still, students begin to believe math is boring, irrelevant, a set of mundane rules, and maybe even a waste of time.
“What if homework could be a means for promoting self-efficacy, agency, and motivation to learn? Teaching students to actively pursue knowledge and see it as valuable is critical to their success both in and out of school.” — Margie Pearse, Edutopia
Continue reading the full blog post.
Image Source: Learning & the Brain
6 Traits of Life-Changing Teachers
“In education there’s a lot of talk about standards, curriculum, and assessment—but when we ask adults what they remember about their education, decades after they’ve left school, the answers are always about their best teachers. So what is it about great educators…that leaves such an indelible impression? If the memory of curriculum and pedagogy fades with time, or fails to register at all, why do some teachers occupy our mental landscape years later? We [at Edutopia] started getting curious: What are the standout qualities that make some teachers life changers?”
Edutopia asked its Facebook community to respond to this question and received more than 700 replies. Upon analysis some clear patterns emerged. Read their full findings here.
Maker Education: A Quick Introduction
Guest Blogger
Kaylah Holland
Edutopia defines Marker Education as “a unique combination of artistry, circuitry, and old-fashioned craftsmanship” (source). This type of making is not a new idea but, until a few years ago, has not been in education and has been growing in implementation ever since.
What is Maker Education?
Several terms are involved with Maker Education such as tinker, hack, create, modify, build, and invent (source). This basic concept involves changing the traditional lecture style of education to a more engaging hands-on environment where students are learning through active projects. This style of learning does not have traditional assessments but uses the finished product as the assessment; thus, completely flipping the traditional style of learning.
Why implement Maker Education?
The following four mindsets show the benefits of implementing Maker Education into the classroom.
Resources for Maker Education
Implementing Maker Education within your classroom does not have to be difficult. Start with one project and allow students to build or create something tangible. You can use Pinterest or Instructables to find handy DIY projects for the classroom simply be searching. You will soon become hooked on the idea and will begin to modify your own lesson plans to include more making.
The following websites are great resources.
- MakerED
- The Maker Movement in K-12 Education: A Guide to Emerging Research
- Invent to Learn
- The Passion Driven Classroom
- The New Learning Commons
- FabLab at Kentucky Country Day School
- Design Thinking Toolkit
- Instructables
About the Author
Kaylah Holland is currently a Middle School Instructional Technology Facilitator at Charlotte Christian School in Charlotte, NC. In addition to teaching coding, app development, and robotics; she has a vital role of assisting teachers with the integration of technology into the classroom through ample research, lesson planning, and training. She is currently completing her doctoral degree in the field of Instructional Design and Technology and is in the process of becoming a Google Certified Trainer. She is passionate about building an innovative culture for learning.
Thank You
I’d like to thank those that nominated my various web resources for the 2009 Edublog Awards. These and other kinds of demonstrations of support are encouraging and appreciated. It’s overwhelming to be listed among these outstanding educators from around the world.
With great appreciation,
Connecting the Classroom and Outside World
Educators, what are some strategies for connecting the classroom with the outside world?
NOTE: I’d like to share responses in my keynote at the iConnect iLearn Conference and on my blog and wiki. You can submit your ideas using the form below, share your text/audio/video reply in the Comments section of this post or respond to the corresponding Twitter and Plurk discussions. You can also view the compiled database of suggested strategies on my wiki, Learning Telecollaboratively.
Copyright in Education
Kristin Hokanson is helping our class learn more about Copyright, Fair Use, Creative Commons, and more. She shared one of her recent presentations, The Cost of Copyright Confusion, with us. We welcome your participation.
Cutting Edge Image Search
“TinEye does for images what Google does for text.” This is pretty cool. It’s amazing how far technology has come. I’m guessing we’ll see similar searches for video and audio in the future.
What are some of the applications and implications of image search in educational settings? Best idea wins a chocolate chip cookie (via email).