“The test of a good teacher is not how many questions
he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily,
but how many questions he inspires them to ask him
which he finds it hard to answer.”
–Alice Wellington Rollins
Related Articles
- JOAN CARSON: The fun of questions is answering (kitsapsun.com)
- Fleshing out an idea (digital-teacher.co.uk)

I like the line from you FB status, Jeremy. That’s a great point.
I was thinking about teachers’ misconceptions of students’ critical thinking skills last week. I blogged on it ( http://brownelearning.org/blog/?p=811 ), but here’s the short version:
A grant I’m on had me reviewing sample student work from 19 gen ed courses at two SUNY campus. I found that most of the work contained instance of analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation, but (with one exception) each student came to the same conclusions as the other students in their class.
I updated my FB status to read. “Note to my fellow professors: ‘Critical Thinking’ is not when they think *like* you do; it’s when they *question* your thinking.”