Great Opportunity to Learn More: BarCamp Memphis

BarCamp Memphis isn’t just a Web 2.0 conference. It’s an unconference. What does that mean, exactly? That’s up to you. The first half of the day will feature predetermined, scheduled sessions like any other conference you’d attend, but in the afternoon the topic curating is turned over to you. Throughout the morning, you’ll vote on what you’d like to discuss or learn more about in the afternoon sessions so that BarCamp is hand-crafted to meet the needs of the community. The afternoon sessions might be panels or Q-and-A with specific BarCampers, or they might be roundtable discussions — Core Conversations, as we call them — with groups of Campers looking to bounce ideas and learn from others’ experiences.” (Source)

I enjoyed SocialCamp Memphis back in March (Here are the resources from one of my presentations at that event.) and I’m looking forward to BarCamp Memphis. Please come join us.

Event Tag: #bcmem

Photos from DENMEM 2009

Here are some photos from yesterday’s Discovery Education Network’s (DEN) Day of Discovery for Western Tennessee. It was a great event. My thanks to all that coordinated the conference, presented, shared, provided technical support, etc. and made it fun and beneficial.