Twitter in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Twitter with teaching and learning.

Video Cameras in the Classroom

Tom Barrett, developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating video cameras with teaching and learning.

Google Earth in the Classroom

Tom Barrett developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Google Earth with teaching and learning.

Google Docs in the Classroom

Tom Barrett developed the below presentation. It is full of strategies and tips for effectively integrating Google Docs with teaching and learning.

Educational Plurk-ers You Should Follow

PlurkKevin Honeycutt has created and is sharing a new Google Doc called Who New Plurkers Should Follow and Why. It is a great resource and would be helpful to anyone wishing to network with top notch people interested in education and technology.

Haven’t tried Plurk? Take a look now. It’s a microblogging platform similar to Twitter, but it has threaded discussion.

Ning for Teacher Educators

Technology Integration Teacher Educators is a network of teacher educators with an interest in educational technology. It is a growing network with some big plans. I encourage you to join if this sounds like a useful resource for you.

Jott Alternatives

I was a big fan of Jott and used it a lot when it was a free. However, its services are not valuable enough to me to merit being added to my list of monthly communications expenses (phone, Internet, cell, etc.). For a long while I’ve not been using anything, but I recently decided to ask my PLN if there were any free alternatives to Jott. Several asked if I’d share the responses, so here they are.

Jott Alternatives

Here are the replies that I received from my Plurk buddies.

Jott Alternatives - Plurk Replies

These are the responses from my Twitter friends.

Jott Alternatives - Twitter Replies

Thanks to everyone that provided feedback and suggested resources. I’ve not had a chance to look at these, but I hope to share my reviews once I have.

Assistance for Classrooms in Need #2

This Suggested Surfing is a follow-up to my recent post, Tough Times Call for Frugal Choices and Assistance for Classrooms in Need.

I Love – A Helping Hand for Teachers.

Elmer’s Glue Crew – Partnering for a Better Tommorow.

Please share additional charitable organizations and resources for helping classrooms in the comments.

Assistance for Classrooms in Need

Here are some additional resources aimed at helping teachers, schools and students receive beneficial resources and financial assistance. This Suggested Surfing is a follow-up to my recent post, Tough Times Call for Frugal Choices.

Kids in Need– Ensuring that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need.

A Gift for Teaching – Improving public education by transferring our community’s surplus materials and resources free to teachers for their students in need.

Art Skills – Poster making supplies with a program for teachers to earn free classroom supplies.

Please share additional charitable organizations and resources for helping classrooms in the comments.

Tough Times Call for Frugal Choices

Here’s some Suggested Reading to help those facing tight budgets.

Online Charities for Classrooms in Need
There are many online websites aimed at helping teachers, schools and students receive beneficial resources and financial assistance. Here are a couple with which I’m familiar.

Please share additional charitable organizations and resources for helping classrooms in the comments.