Tag: help
Every Child Deserves a Champion
Wisdom for Parents and Teachers
Fostering a Child’s Inner Voice
I love this quote. Parents and teachers need to be cognizant of the impact their words can have on children. Peggy O’Mara takes this a bit further and reminds us that the WAY we speak our words to children also impacts them. Their self-talk is influenced by the way the adults in their lives speak to them.
I’ll try to keep that in mind the next time the TV remote is missing.
This poster is the first work that I’ve created using Canva. I’ve been tinkering with Canva for about two weeks and I’m surprised by how much I like it. It’s useful and pretty easy (there are a few user-interface improvements that I hope happen soon, but I still like it.). I’ve not cared for previous cloud-based graphic design tools, but Canva may have changed my mind. I’ve even gone ahead and setup my public profile. I look forward to connecting with you there.
ShowMe iPad App: Easily Create Online Video Tutorials
ShowMe makes it possible to easily record interactive lessons on your iPad and share them online. It’s simple and intuitive and is the type of technology that can revolutionize the way we teach, provide support, and individualize instruction. Here is a quick video demonstration.
The following video tutorials are examples of how ShowMe might be used in and out of the classroom. (Note to ShowMe’s staff: It would be helpful to teachers if the tutorials were embeddable.)
- Pool Basics: Tangent Line and Trajectory
- Architecture: Maximizing Outdoor Space
- Language Arts: Agreement
Potential Impact
I agree with TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld that was is especially exciting about Show Me is that we are getting a “glimpse of how the iPad can completely change the way people learn. Any teacher can simply record their lessons and their students would need nothing more than an iPad to learn. Add some real-time chat and maybe some video, and it is not too difficult to see how this kind of technology can turn the iPad into a classroom.” (Source)
Related Articles
- Can An iPad Replace a Whiteboard? (gdstechtips.wordpress.com)
- The ShowMe Teaching Technology Behind The New Princeton Review SAT iPad App (TCTV) (techcrunch.com)

Audio and Video Tutorials Made Simple #aaim2011
I’ve been developing this professional development workshop for the past few months and I am excited about presenting it for the first time today at the AAIM Conference.
Workshop Description
Equip parents to help with homework and enable students to engage with course content inside and outside the classroom with online tutorials. Learn how to easily create audio and video tutorials using free web-based resources.
Workshop Resources
Wiki Page with workshop lesson plan, tutorials, notes, and materials
Publishing to AudioBoo from a Web Browser
Our kids and I have a lot of fun with AudioBoo. AudioBoo is a service that makes podcasting and audio blogging a snap and can positively impact your classroom (See previous posts1, 2, 3 and 4). Although the service has previously pretty much been limited to iPhone users it is now available to everyone. Here’s a screencast demonstrating how to use their recently released BrowserBoo feature which makes it possible to record to AudioBoo through any web browser.
Here’s the sample Boo that I created during the screencast above.
You can browse through my AudioBoo profile page to look through many other examples of boos that the kids and I have published.
I strongly encourage all teachers to take a look at AudioBoo. Whether or not you choose to use it as a teacher I believe there are students in your classroom that would enjoy using it and benefit from engaging this learning modality.
Sign-up for your AudioBoo account, friend me and other educators, and begin enjoying the valuable contributions this can bring you and your students.
Kids Get Creative with AudioBoo
In episode 3 of Thinking Out Loud I pondered ways that AudioBoo might be integrated with teaching and learning. I shared a few ideas that sprang to mind and invited you to share your ideas and examples. I want to share a couple of AudioBoos that our two youngest children put together.
It is important to note that these 2 kids are young. They selected their topics, identified the major points that they wanted to share, recorded their interviews without rehearsing, and selected the title and images for their boos. They did this with minimal assistance from me. They learned to use the AudioBoo iphone app, planned their interview, and recorded and published both boos in well under 30 minutes. It was a fun and educational activity for all three of us!
Educational Uses
I encourage you to join me in exploring the potential classroom uses of this technology. Please share your thoughts and examples as text, audio or video comments. Together we learn more!
AudioBoo in the Classroom (Thinking Out Loud #3)
Episode 003
Announcing “Thinking Out Loud”
Episode 001