New STEM Resources and Games from PBS KIDS GO!

Our kids watch several of these programs and have enjoyed playing these games. All things considered these games are pretty good.

April 23, 2008 – Several new online science and math games are now available from PBS KIDS GO!

PBS KIDS GO!More and more educators are discovering the value of online games, which allow students to practice new skills and educators to quickly assess student understanding. The games and activities below provide teachers and students with fresh approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that are critical to 21st century learning.

Cyberchase: Math and Sports
Make a connection between math and sports. Explore this newest thematic unit from Cyberchase that encourages kids to see and practice the math concepts used to plan, track, and calculate facts and figures in sporting events. Find classroom activities, view online video and play the new CyberOlympics game.

Dragonfly TV: Nanobots
Learn more about nanotechnology by adjusting the positive and negative charges to guide a nanobot through an obstacle course. Traverse preexisting courses or build your own.

Fetch!: Geyser Surpriser
Discover what is required for a geyser to exist by manipulating three of the elements that make up a geyser. Then, add to your knowledge of geyser trivia while playing a bonus game.

Fetch!: CSI: Squeak Sneak
Use problem-solving and logical reasoning strategies to deduce who stole Ruff’s squeaky toy. Search for clues at the crime scene, analyze and identify the clues in the crime lab and identify the thief by matching clues to suspects.

–From PBS Teachers

The Future of Educational Technology


Here at the end of the semester we’ve been reading about and discussing the future of the field in our introductory course.  We’ve considered the works of David Merrill, Brent Wilson, Karl Fisch, and current media (journals, news, blogs, etc.).  During our past class meeting I even tweeted the topic and we received great feedback from the Twitterverse. The students are enjoying the topic and appreciate considering a variety of perspectives. So, I ask you – my online friends, colleagues, students, blog readers, parents, and visitors – what do you think is the future of educational technology?

Why Twitter?

When Darren Rowse, also known as @problogger in the Twitterverse, recently asked his “Twitter followers why they loved twitter over 100 of them responded in just a couple of hours. This video is a collection of their answers.” I share it for the following reasons.

  1. Perhaps it will encourage those that are reluctant to try Twitter to take it for a test drive.
  2. I’d like to know why those of you that already use Twitter do so.
  3. Are there any benefits for educators in using Twitter?


Twitter Resources

1 Thing Teachers Should Know about Teaching with Technology

B&W HeadshotTrevor’s Theory

Trevor Acy

What I am about to say would seem like a fairly obvious problem with the use of technology in the classroom, but seeing as how I witness it on a daily basis at the undergraduate level, I can only imagine that the problem spreads to every classroom below.

The Problem:

Too often do teachers use power points, slides, videos, etc as an excuse for them to sit idly behind their desk and convince themselves that they are still fulfilling their role as an educator. How can a student be expected to be engaged if the person who is suppose to be presenting the information approaches his/her role with complacency? When I am excited about a particular subject, it changes the dynamic of learning from being told to learn something to wanting to learn something. It no longer feels like just a workload the teacher is assigning, but rather something I am genuinely interested in. Nothing helps this process better than having a teacher who is honestly excited about what they are teaching. You can tell when a teacher isn’t enthusiastic, and that apathy circulates the classroom infecting the students.

The Solution:

The solution is a simple one. Be engaged and enthusiastic about what you as an educator are presenting. Here are two examples of technology in the college classroom and how one teacher is misusing it and how another uses it to improve the learning environment.

One of my professors walks into class, loads his power point presentation, and takes a seat behind his desk. He flips through the slides reading them verbatim for every chapter between tests. Now these slides are the same ones that are posted online that students can read themselves in ten minutes. There is no incentive to go to class to learn any of the material. Another of my professors has a much larger class, which would make it easier for him to be complacent and just run through some slides. However, his slides are simply bulleted highlights which he expounds with graphic illustrations and current news events. Also, about once a week all the students meet online (through and perform economic experiments where everyone in class represents a free market. Upon returning to class we discuss the results of our online experiments and then apply them to the material we’ve been covering in class.

To wrap up, it’s simple; be a proactive educator. Complacency is an educational roadblock. Before you blame students for not being eager to learn, take a step back and make sure your attitude and performance is being presented in the right fashion. The easiest way to get students encouraged to perform well is for them to see their teacher excited about the information he/she is teaching.

1 Thing Teachers Should Know about Teaching with Technology

Jethro Jones

Part of the ongoing 1 Thing series.

Being a humble teacher, I often have car troubles because I don’t drive a very nice car. In fact, I am pretty lucky that the car still runs. I needed to put in a new battery a couple weeks ago, and instead of grabbing a hammer and pounding on it until the cables came off, I dug around the toolbox until I found a socket wrench.

For educators, technology is a big toolbox with tools that range from a pencil and paper to a wiki to a Skype video call. Tools are still tools. If a tool doesn’t work for the job, you can’t force it. As teachers, we must use the tools that work for our situation. Don’t try to force technology on the students if it is not improving their learning! They need to learn. Our tools should help them learn.

Jethro’s Hammer

Photo Credit: PPDIGITAL Creative Commons License

1 Thing Teachers Should Know about Teaching with Technology

Emily Witt

Part of the ongoing 1 Thing series.

I’m a rule breaker. Okay, that’s a lie. I’m not a rule breaker, but today I’m breaking the rules. I sincerely believe that there are two things that all teachers should know about teaching with technology. Why two things? Maybe because I like to use the word juxtapose and I think that there are two very valid points here; two points that might seem like a bit of juxtaposition. So, on with it, I suppose.

Technology has come a long way, as have the teachers that use it and the students that learn from the use of it. We are living and teaching in another generation. A generation that sees more television, plays more computer games, and understands more about gadgets, devices, and web concepts than we would have ever expected in our lifetime. This is one of the key reasons that teaching with technology is such an important way to not only engage our students, but to relate to them as well.

So, what’s the one thing? Well, one thing of the two things. Technology can change your classroom dynamic. It can engage students and hold their attention and foster exploratory learning, creative learning, life changing learning. Take for example, webpage creation and its benefits. Students express and challenge themselves creatively using color schemes and graphics all the while employing language skills for the web text. Now, spice it up a little and add a problem solving component that allows students to solve math problems on their websites and the sites of their friends. With one project, students are exposed to as many as three subject areas, accessing prior material knowledge, and working cooperatively in the form of peer feedback.

That’s not the only way teaching with technology can change your classroom dynamic. Using technology outside of the classroom can change the way you do things inside the classroom. Teachers can use spreadsheets, data collection, and computer based graphing to determine what their students know, where they are struggling, and what they can do to improve student understanding. Technology outside of the classroom can also be used as a way to communicate with parents and to keep them up to date with what is going on with their children. Not to mention, that a classroom website can encourage parents and children to work together at home thus improving learning and relationships in both settings.

Now, what’s the second thing, the juxtaposition? Brace yourselves. Technology cannot replace good teaching and good teaching methods. It just can’t. We know that a good lesson consists of three things: good planning, what you want kids to know, and how you’re going to get them there. Just because you have a computer in the room doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t plan how you’re going to use it. How does it enhance your lesson? What are the outcomes? What’s the learning? Technology is a lot like a textbook. It’s a resource. They’re both good resources depending on how you use them.

Let’s think about the typical use of technology in the classroom. The class reads a novel and compares it to the movie. What’s the learning? Did we discuss it? Did I initiate and facilitate challenging conversation? There’s a great point and shoot multiplication game on The class plays it for twenty minutes. What’s the learning? Do they understand the concept of multiplication? Technology shouldn’t be used as a way to keep kids busy or to fill time. It should be used as a part of a lesson, a way to enhance a lesson. It should be used to suck students in, to capture them, and motivate them to do more, explore more and to want to know more.

So, there it is. My technological juxtaposition. Teaching with technology can change your classroom dynamic inside and outside of the school. It can get students and parents involved in their learning. It can change the way you teach, the way you plan, and the outcomes of your planning. Using technology is a sure fire way to reach the generation of students that we are teaching, but it can’t replace good teachers. A computer lab with 150 brand spanking new machines is awfully nifty, but it can’t compare to an effective teacher that plans, plans, plans student learning and the way they’re getting there.

About the Author
Emily Witt, a former student and preservice teacher of Clif’s, graduated from the University of Mississippi with a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. She spent two years teaching in the Mississippi public school system before moving a little further south. She is currently teaching third graders in the heart of the Colombian coffee region, learning Spanish as she goes, and wondering if it might really be possible to change the world.

Diigo 101 Podcast

Maggie Tsai, Diigo’s chief ambassador, will be a guest on EdTechTalk this evening and will be taking questions about the latest version of their product. Maggie shared the following information about the event via email.

I’ve been invited to a podcast with a group of educators – since most people there are new to Diigo, I’d like to focus this session on Diigo 101 – the very basics of Diigo ~ how to set up / use diigolet, bookmarking, highlights and explore my “Bookmarks” section. If time permits, we will also touch upon the Groups. We will make it short and sweet.

Ideally, there will be more future sessions that go into intermediate, advanced and special topics of Diigo…

Diigo is a getting a lot of buzz right now and I strongly encourage all (present and future) educators and graduate students to consider participating in this event.

EdTechTalk’s Making Connections
Tue April 8, 2008
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CST

NECC Buzz Has Begun

It is still more than two months away, but I am already excited about this year’s National Educational Computing Conference. Although I will be co-presenting a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session about integrating technology in elementary mathematics, I am much more excited about meeting and visiting with members of my online social network in real life. I virtually attended last year’s conference via the RSS river that flowed out of Atlanta and promised myself I would not miss all the fun and opportunities in 2008. So, San Antonio, here I come!!!

Here are some of the events for which I am especially looking forward.


EduBloggerCon/Classroom 2.0 “LIVE in San Antonio” 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center

Pre-NECC Event following an unconference format. It is free and open to all.

See site for full details.

Tags: edubloggercon, ebc08, necc2008, necc08


NECC 2.0
The Conference within a Conference. A Fringe Festival for NECC. Three days collaboratively created and scheduled by the participants, held in the open “lounge” areas during NECC.

See NECC 2.0 for full details.

Tags: necc2008, necc08

Suggested Reading for 03/29/2008

More old books...My blog’s draft box contains over 20 postings in various degrees of development. I’ve been reflecting on the below posts and slowly developing my response to each. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to dedicate the desired time and mental energy to them, so I’m posting links to them here in an effort to share them while the conversations are still hot. Each is worthy of your consideration.

All the best,

Making the Shift Happen

Cover the Material – Or Teach Students to Think

Research in a Web 2.0 World

Search Secrets Are Out!

Cancer Patience

Biggest Danger on the Internet Is Bad Judgment

David Thornburg and Humorous Video

Creative Commons License photo credit: guldfisken

Suggested Reading for 03/13/2008

$125,000 a Year for Every Teacher? Quick, Update Your Resume!

March Madness (It’s Not Just for Basketball) Links

From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Schools

The Class of 2K8

The Nation’s First Blind Governor

Cell Phone Cameras in the K-12 Classroom: Punishable Offense or Student Journalism?

Twitter in Education?

Why You Can’t Explain twitter in 140 Characters