Tag: instagram
Social Media: An Overview
Yesterday’s blog post provided an overview of social networks. Today we are going to build on that and look at social media.
What is social media? How do you define it?
“Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks” (Source). It describes the technology of interaction amongst a network of people. Perhaps because of the current pervasive use of online social media, many mistakenly assume that social media only came into existence with modern-day technology. Consider that African drums have long been used by tribes to quickly pass news about deaths, marriages, and other events. In this case, the drums serve as the social media.
Look over the this provocative article and consider how it fits within your understanding and definition of social media.
“Digital social media are mobile and web-based applications that enable users to interact, collaborate, co-create, share, and publish information, ideas, and multimedia. Social media connects people and is built on the foundations of Web 2.0” (Source).
In a broader sense, social media is the technology that might be leveraged to connect individuals or groups, be it digital or other. We’ve had social networks and social media for a long time.
Managing Online Identities
Keeping up with the state of technology is not easy. New social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Diigo, YouTube , Tumblr, Instagram, and AudioBoo continue to emerge and users sign-up and setup profiles without considering the full ramifications of sharing personal information. Practical tips for helping you and your students thoughtfully setup and maintain your online identities will be shared.
Below are my slides for this session. All the workshop materials and resources are available on my wiki, Learning Telecollaboratively.
Life Before the Internet: What We Used to Do
Enjoy this stroll down memory lane as we re-visit the ways that we communicated, accessed news, conducted research, and shared photos prior to the Internet and social media.
For educators, the implications are fascinating. Consider how much has changed in the past 20 years.
- Have our classrooms, curricula, and instructional practices kept up with the changes?
- Should education worry with keeping up with these changes?
- What are the implications on teaching and learning if education does/does not strive to react to these changes?
- What is the future of learning?
Event Tags: FOL2013, hgsepzfol
Screenshot Source: We Did Amazing Things Before The Internet
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- Reforms of Education (tleducation.wordpress.com)
- EDTECH597 – Guest Blog Entry: Why Online Learning Is Working To Revolutionize Education (virtualschooling.wordpress.com)
- Teaching Like It’s 1992: MOOC Diary for Week #3 History/Future of Higher Education (hastac.org)